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My Oral Health Protocol
As a child my parents made me floss every single night, no exception, and brush every single night. They actually set a timer for 2 minutes and my brothers and I would have to brush continuously until the timer finished. From so many years of doing it, I felt icky on the rare occasions that I didn’t floss and brush before bed and so always brought my floss and toothbrush everywhere. No matter how late it was or how tired I was, I just always had to brush and floss my teeth.
P90x Home Fitness Program – Week 3 Update
Greetings! This week, I actually did week 4’s protocol. I missed week 2 due to being in Utah. So, this week the order of the workouts changed, and a new workout was introduced called ‘Core Synergics,’ which is quickly becoming one of my favorites. It includes big movements that require the whole core area to do: abs, hip muscles, upper thighs, mid and lower back, obliques, etc.
P90x Home Fitness Program – Week 1 Update
The shifting of my getting up/going to bed times, due to the P90X has felt awesome. I’m now going to bed around 9:30 – 10:00 and getting up a bit prior to 6am. Having had a few hours of being awake, including a fantastic sweaty workout prior to going to the Tree for the day’s (awesome) tasks, makes such a big difference in my energy, attitude, and focus during the day. I feel more centered, and empowered from having already achieved something powerful by 8am.
I was super sore for the first 5 days. There were points I was so sore I could barely walk, or barely sit down, or sit up, or bend over.. depending on which muscles I had so fantastically worked recently. This morning’s workout was the 6th in a row, marking the end of week 1, and the soreness is very minimal.
Interdependence Celebration Notes
Ok, so the main topic of the Interdependence Day Celebration was on calcification; whose healing is the basis of David Wolfe’s Longevity Now program.
These notes may be a little scattered and leave information to wonder about – I highly recommend getting David Wolfe’s program. Gabriel was all about it, and keep tuned because the Tree of Life is actually going to be offering a “David Wolfe’s Longevity Now” add – on to several of their programs. I am now decked out with both the Barefoot Solutions’ floor pad and bedsheet, and it’s feeling GREAT! After the program, there are all these people opting for walking barefoot around the TOL property, despite the rather harsh and rocky terrain.
A Comparison of Cleansing – Part 2
OK! So, what is below is my personal opinions on each of the methods of cleansing I have covered, and what situations I recommend them for. The bottom line I’m making in this ‘comparison’ is this:
Different cleanses are appropriate for different people, at different times. Some cleanses may be appropriate for a fairly toxic person but not for a clean one, and some may be fantastic for a clean person but too big of a step for a person whose lifestyle is still quite toxic. It’s all within the context of the person and situation.
Live ‘n Raw – Raw Food In College Mini Documentary is OUT!!
Live ‘n Raw: The 30-Day Experiment from Puki Freeberg and assistant produced by yours truly, on Vimeo.
Day 7 of Seven day Green Juice Fast and BREAK FAST!
Ahhh… This day finds me SO HAPPY! I woke up to a sunny morning, feeling clean, energetic and light! I broke my fast at the Cafe with blueberries, blackberries and strawberries, and enjoyed beautiful conversations with people whom I cherish. What a great experience this fast was!
Day 5 & 6 of Seven day Green Juice Fast
Days 5 and 6 have been quite smooth. Physically, I’m soaring. I feel like I could stay fasting for a looooooong time. No fatigue, no nausea, nothing.
Today though, I’ve started thinking about food for the first time since I began fasting – feeling really appreciative of food, and looking forward to having it again. Interestingly, fasting is when I most understand what Gabriel means when he says, “Food is a love note from God.”
Day 3 & 4 of Seven day Green Juice Fast
I am very surprised at how great I feel on this fast. I expected to feel much more fatigue and spaciness. I expected it to be difficult. And it’s sooooooo not. It’s easy and I feel great. I’ve even been working all week with the same level of effectiveness. I am also starting to need less sleep, by an hour or so.
Day 1 & 2 of Seven day Green Juice Fast
Yesterday, day 1, was super easy for me. I did rest a lot, but didn’t experience any detox reactions (classic ones include fatigue, nausea, headache, etc). Day 1, smooth!
7 day Green Juice Fast
How’s your Spring of 2009 going?
Today is day 1 of a seven day green juice fast I am doing. Why?
A Hibiscus Sunday
Today is a cooozy day – there is a rainfall coming and it’s right at that delicious point before the rain, where the air is thick with luscious smelling, fresh, enlivening moisture and the thunder is rumbling in the background. It is like heaven approaching, after the last few weeks of 95 degree days.
Sizzlin’ and Lemons
The days, they start to sizzle. Today it was 96 degrees, and forecast anticipates it’s creeping up to 98 this next week.
I will say this. People get crazy when it get’s hot. Scratch that. People not normally crazy get more crazy when it’s hot. Including me. Several people here are going through some major life changes and inner growth, and it seems to be more of a challenge to ride through that when it’s so hot.
The Six Foundations of Spiritual Life by Dr. Gabriel Cousens
“I love hearing about different forms of spiritual growth, especially connected with nature. Is there anywhere I could find information about things like this? I’m on a little bit of a spiritual exploration myself.” -Caitlin
New To Raw Food? Resources for You!
“I am just getting into a raw diet lifestyle, and coming across your blog is inspiring. I am still in the learning stages, trying to get as much information as I can from various raw foods websites and dieters. Thanks!” -Erin
My Skin Care and Makeup Protocol
“Hey! looking good, may I ask what cosmetics do you use? I’m on a juice/ raw food diet myself but I’m feeling toxic using regular makeup. do you use organic mineral make up n skincare or something? thanks!!” -Nadine
“Yes, what is your skincare regimen, do a post on this.” -Maggie
Thank you Although I’ve never really suffered from severe acne, I have had times of my life when I experienced less than the best skin ever. Check out the comparison below: