Day 5 & 6 of Seven day Green Juice Fast

Days 5 and 6 have been quite smooth. Physically, I’m soaring. I feel like I could stay fasting for a looooooong time. No fatigue, no nausea, nothing.

Today though, I’ve started thinking about food for the first time since I began fasting – feeling really appreciative of food, and looking forward to having it again. Interestingly, fasting is when I most understand what Gabriel means when he says, “Food is a love note from God.”

Checklist for day 5:

  • Wheatgrass – no

  • Skin brushing – no

  • Sunbathing – no

  • Enemas 2x/day – one

  • Infrared sauna 30-45 min/day – no

  • NCD Zeolite – yes

  • Systemic Enzymes (15 caps/day, taken out of capsules and taken as powder) – yes

  • Yoga – no

  • Rebounding 20 min/day – no

  • Walking according to energy level – yes – 45 min

Checklist for day 6:

  • Wheatgrass – yes

  • Skin brushing – yes

  • Sunbathing – no

  • Enemas 2x/day – no

  • Infrared sauna 30-45 min/day – yes

  • NCD Zeolite – yes

  • Systemic Enzymes (15 caps/day, taken out of capsules and taken as powder) – yes

  • Yoga – no

  • Rebounding 20 min/day – no

  • Walking according to energy level – no

Anna Stanford

Anna Stanford is an ex-lawyer who saw the light and finally gave in to her irrepressible creativity. These days she helps thought leaders define and package who they are and what they’re bringing to the world.

Day 7 of Seven day Green Juice Fast and BREAK FAST!


Tree of Life Cafe – Food Pics 13