Sizzlin’ and Lemons

The days, they start to sizzle. Today it was 96 degrees, and forecast anticipates it’s creeping up to 98 this next week.


I will say this. People get crazy when it get’s hot. Scratch that. People not normally crazy get more crazy when it’s hot. Including me. Several people here are going through some major life changes and inner growth, and it seems to be more of a challenge to ride through that when it’s so hot.

Speaking of hot, I’ve been visiting our saunas regularly this week. A few friends and I have developed the almost daily habit of walking from town up to the saunas (about 40 minutes), doing a 30 minute sauna, taking a shot of wheatgrass, and then walking back home. It’s a great way to end the day – workout, detoxification, and mineralization. As hot as it is, though, we can’t really even BEGIN walking till 6:15 or so, and that’s a warm first lap even wearing shorts and a tank top.

I have begun another habit of adding 1/2 lemon’s juice and a squirt of stevia to a quart of water. I then drink about 3 quarts per day. I’ve been doing this for a month or so. I’ve been feeling really alkalized and revitalized lately, and I realized that it could be that I’m essentially consuming about 11 lemons worth of juice per week, and that’s definitely having some cleansing and moucous dissolving effects. FYI, the best stevia for this combo is chocolate (really), vanilla creme, and english toffee.

Think cool thoughts for me,



Satisfying My Inner Dork


Tree of Life Cafe – Food Pics 12