Juice Cleansing
I coach a type of juice cleansing called “Juice Feasting,” which is, simply put, feasting on fresh nutrient dense juices.
Juice Feasting is distinguished by a principle of abundance. Juice Feasters drink lots of juice, rather than smaller amounts, as is the case with some types of cleanses. This means Juice Feasting can be done while working, taking care of family, and tending to regular daily responsibilities. It also supports the opportunity to juice cleanse for a longer period of time.
I have trained with Juice Feasting coach David Rainoshek, and am a certified Juice Feasting Coach. I have also studied under Gabriel Cousens, M.D., learning about his approach to juice cleansing when I worked at his center for 5 years.
I create individualized plans for clients based on each person’s goals and level of prior knowledge and experience.
Working with me as your coach, you’ll receive:
Free initial consulting via email about whether Juice Feasting is a good fit for you.
A kickoff coaching call, where I’ll teach you how how to cleanse, and we individualize your Juice Feast for your particular goals. We will also discuss whether you might want to do a transition into the cleanse prior to starting.
Juicing recipes.
Coaching calls throughout your Juice Feast.
Coaching calls during the crucial Juice Feast-breaking time when you are returning to the world of food. We will also discuss how to continue healthy choices in diet and habits after the Juice Feast is over.
The convenience of doing a juice cleanse while you’re still working and still attending to your life as usual, without spending the money, time and time off to go to a retreat center.
OPTION 1: Juice Feast Initial Consult
A 90-minute Juice Feasting Initial Consultation, to provide all the information you need for a successful juice cleanse! This 90 min 1-1 session is offered at $115 USD.
OPTION 2: Coaching Through Your Juice Feast!
I coach Juice Feasts of 5 days to 3 months in length. Contact me to learn about coaching plans offered at $75 per hour.
Juice Feasting is a total body-soul experience. I will help you choose what’s right for you based on your personal goals and lifestyle.
I have been eating a plant-based diet rich in raw food for more than 18 years and have done various types of juice cleansing totaling hundreds of days, including a consecutive 60-day juice cleanse. For more than five years, I worked with bestselling author and doctor Gabriel Cousens, M.D. as a supervisor at the Tree of Life Rejuvenation Center. At the Tree of Life, I taught nutrition and cleansing classes for guests. I am a certified Juice Feasting coach by David Rainoshek, M.A., founder of Juice Feasting, and I coach people on cleanses anywhere between 5 days and 3 months in length.
Disclaimer: I do not coach people who have severe health issues and in this case, I recommend seeking the assistance of a doctor who you can ask about juice cleansing. Please note that Courtney Pool is not a medical professional nor a therapist. All material on this website and all coaching is offered as life coaching and as a nutritionist, and is not a substitute for medical or psychological advice.
“Courtney was an essential part of the incredible transformation that 70 days of Juice Feasting wrought in my heart, mind and body. She talked me through the myriad of feelings that came up, supported me through every struggle and every joy, validated my journey with heaps of encouragement, attentiveness and care, and taught me the essential skill of how to sit with uncomfortable emotions without numbing them (this practice alone led to an unbelievable number of emotional breakthroughs!). Having Courtney as my coach made my entire Juice Feast not only possible, but the best thing that I have ever done for myself.”