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New Videos: How To Juice Cleanse
Hi Friends,
I’ve begun a new youtube playlist called How To Juice Cleanse! Though many health coaches package their knowledge into a paid e-course, e-book, or keep it only for private clients, I’ve decided to share everything I know for free, publicly.
If you’d like individualized coaching for a Juice Cleanse or other purpose, however, I do offer that, which you can email me about at the contact tab. And if you’d like to donate towards my ability to keep creating these free videos rather than charging for my 12 years of study and practice, you’re welcome to at Paypal or Patreon. Thank you!
My Story on Juice Cleansing, Overeating, Veganism, Weight Loss: New Video
My first longer video is up! In this video I talk about my personal experience with juice cleansing, losing weight, going vegan, and healing overeating, all things I work with clients on and teach about now. This video can be viewed by clicking here or by viewing below.
5 Juice Cleanse Mistakes and How To Avoid Them
The right kind of juice cleanse has the potential to transform your health on a mind, body and soul level. The wrong kind of juice cleanse however will set you up for problems. Unfortunately, all too often I see juice cleanse blogs or news which describe how someone did a juice cleanse, and how they then felt bad and/or didn’t get the results they wanted. Usually reading their blogs I see at least a few if not all of the following mistakes in how they did their cleanse. It is no mystery to me why this person had the experience they had, and yet a bad experience can deter someone from juice cleansing all together. But fear not! These common mistakes are ones you can correct and alleviate most of the common complaints of juice cleanses.
Chia Porridge “Pudding”: A Radical Radiance Recipe
People often ask me what my favorite meals are, and though I’m a person who prefers variety and so I don’t have a ton of “staples”, chia is definitely a staple in my diet.
David Rainoshek Interviews Me About Juice Cleansing
One of my mentors in plant-based nutrition and juice cleansing is the amazing David Rainoshek, M.A. whom I studied with to becomig a Juice Feasting Coach. David hosts the website JuiceFeast.com and is a great friend.
My 8-Year Vegan Anniversary!
Well, it’s almost over, but this month marks 8 years eating vegan for me! In honor of this anniversary, I decided to ask all of you via Facebook and Twitter if you had any questions for me. I received some great questions and am looking forward to answering them, Q&A style, right now!
Receiving in Order to Share on Thanksgiving
The Tree of Life Rejuvenation Center hosts 100-200 people each year for our Thanksgiving potluck and day-long celebration. The Thanksgiving celebration starts with a group meditation. Meditation is a perfect way to start a day focused on gratitude. It allows us to be present to the abundant, overflowing blessings in our lives. Not only that, meditation returns us to the place prior to thought and form, the “nothing”. Gabriel Cousens, a spiritual teacher of mine, teaches that the nothing is where the “something,” all that exists, comes from. On a day where our gratitude is usually associated with situations, people, things, and circumstances in the “something”, it is profound to touch in with the place prior to all that, to its source. “Everything comes from the Divine” and “everything the Divine does is for the best, for you” are profound teachings to meditate on for Thanksgiving.
Community Days in Patagonia
This last week has held some fun community happenings at the Tree of Life. This last Friday was Gabriel Cousens’ 67th birthday. Or, as Gabriel likes to say in his very eternal kind of perspective, no one has birthdays, but our bodies have birthdays. Nonetheless, we held a meditation on Friday in honor of Gabriel’s birthday, and enjoyed a peach cobbler at the Tree of Life Cafe. Gabriel was in Japan, but here in spirit 😉
Office Booty Intolerance
Something in my body has been shifting a great deal in the past 7 months or so. Primarily, my work with the Tree of Life involves my sitting down, and spending lots of time on a computer. Additionally, I have this blog to update, and my personal computer work with emails and such, which are all sitting activities. Prior to the Tree of Life, I have never had an office job. In high school, I coached a youth swim team, during which I was always standing up, walking around the deck, or I was in the water giving stroke and technique demonstrations. In college, I worked at a raw food restaurant and was also always standing and walking around.