Interdependence Celebration Notes
Hello darlings, I apologize, for the delay, I have a family member visiting me last minute!
Ok, so the main topic of the Interdependence Day Celebration was on calcification; whose healing is the basis of David Wolfe’s Longevity Now program.
These notes may be a little scattered and leave information to wonder about – I highly recommend getting David Wolfe’s program. Gabriel was all about it, and keep tuned because the Tree of Life is actually going to be offering a “David Wolfe’s Longevity Now” add – on to several of their programs. I am now decked out with both the Barefoot Solutions’ floor pad and bedsheet, and it’s feeling GREAT! After the program, there are all these people opting for walking barefoot around the TOL property, despite the rather harsh and rocky terrain.
Chronic inflammation in our lower extremities is due to wearing shoes
As we get grounded, we will outgas
Being grounded eliminates jet lag
Calcium organisms require a positive charge; negative charged electrons are a solution
Being grounded is a radical discovery for osteoporosis (David’s other recommendations for that include sunlight, rebounding, live foods, and topical ormus application)
Ormus on teeth remineralizes them, and works even better if we’re grounded
1 lime or lemon per day, including the peel helps to dissolve bad calcification; more than that will take out good calcium
Purple corn has antioxidants and is a great base to grow medicinal mushrooms on – the mushrooms will pick the antioxidants up as they grow
Tips for thyroid health – Premier Research Labs clay packs for removing toxins, NCD Zeolite, grounding, happiness, live food (cooked food suppressed the thyroid, the thyroid is the most sensitive organ), kelp tablets, thyroid massages in the neck, anything that creates negative ions!
Awww yeah!
Photo by Allison D.