Success Stories

Even though I’ve been around natural living for decades and done both juice cleanses and water fasts in the past, working with Courtney Pool on my recent juice feast was one of the best decisions I ever made.

She knows this process and she knows human nature, especially the sensitivities that show up when people are doing cleanses.

Courtney is patient, wise, and willing to customize the experience to the individual. She made my 8 days on juice and 4 days of returning to food go off without a hitch. I highly recommend her.
— Victoria Moran, New York City, author of Main Street Vegan
Courtney was one of my greatest cheerleaders while making sure I was being cared for during my juice feast with much compassion and empathy for my current situation. She is highly knowledgeable on the nutritional aspects of the Juice Feast for your goals. She is a wealth of information with emails ready to forward if you need suggestions for juice recipes, articles, and so much more!

Courtney asks questions to create dialogue, and she welcomes your questions and concerns during the call. She’s wonderful about sending positive affirmations and keeping you on track for each transitional phase after the Juice Feast. Courtney’s disposition is perfect for coaching. She’s so understanding, especially on a challenging day. She welcomes your not-so-positive demeanor with open arms. She’s a wealth of comfort, concern, conversation, and commitment to your success through this Juice Feast, as well as to point out success you may have not noticed. I have to say at this time in my life, Courtney was the addition of support, along with my family and friends who stood by me cheering the entire way, which guided me through an extremely challenging Juice Feast to success.

Courtney successfully guided me into the phenomenal and priceless gift of health and healing. I have alkalized, cleansed, re-hydrated, and rebuilt my body on so many different levels and in many different ways, I’m still discovering and noticing more and more, day by day, different aspects of my life, my body, and my spirit! Thanks, Courtney! You will always be the juicy angel in my life 🙂
— Nicole Anderson, Atlanta, Georgia, completed 92 days of Juice Feasting
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I met Courtney through a friend and as soon as I saw her I said to myself, ‘This woman looks healthy, in fact, she glows - I have to find out what she knows about health and nutrition!’ I was ready for a change in my life. My back and joints ached constantly - to the point where sometimes I walked hunched over to help alleviate the pain. My wife and I did a video conference with Courtney and knew immediately that this was the answer we had been searching for. We eliminated processed foods and focused on fruits, vegetables, and good grains. We were both surprised how easy it was to follow Courtney’s guidance. Having purchased numerous books in the past that only provided bland recipes that we prepared only once, we were pleasantly surprised that Courtney’s recipes tasted great and were meals we wanted to prepare again and again. When we started, we also had a concern that this type of nutrition could be expensive, but we are not spending any more per month than we were spending before.

The good news is that my pain is gone and in only two months I have lost twenty pounds without starving myself or going without. I am amazed that my body is returning to its natural state of equilibrium - I feel like I am ten years younger than I was before I met Courtney. I have referred, and will continue to refer friends and family to Courtney because she knows what she is doing and my life has improved noticeably as a result of her coaching and guidance.
— Scott Asbell, Orem, Utah
When I finally decided to embark on a juice cleanse, I knew Courtney was the one to guide me through it.

Having worked with her in the past, I knew the scope and depth of her knowledge and expertise on the subjects of juicing and nutrition, and she’s a woman who understands what its like to struggle with weight, food addiction and wanting to look and feel beautiful. I am so impressed with how much she puts into her work. She was always professional, enthusiastic and always followed through with her commitments to send me information or do research on topics for which I needed clarity.

I’m convinced she was the key reason I was able to complete my 21 day Juice Feast successfully. She sent me emails, wrote me sweet messages, went out of her way to send information that I requested and always seemed to have the perfect answer to any question I asked.

I have been recommending her to everyone who asks and I look forward to working with her as my nutrition coach, as I am refining my eating habits to support the paradigm shift I have attained by doing this cleanse.

Thank you Courtney – you are an inspiration, a beautiful light and so wise beyond your years! I cant say Thank you enough! I am proud to say that I accomplished my goal of doing a 21-day juice cleanse. At the beginning of this juice cleanse, I wasn’t sure how it was going to be for me as I have never done juice fasting for more than 5 – 7 days.

Now, after 21 days of juicing, my skin is glowing and radiant, I’ve lost almost 17 lbs, I feel clear and my eyes look brighter. The skin on my face has greatly improved and I don’t feel or look bloated anymore. Overall, I feel amazing and so much more alive than I was just three weeks ago.

I encourage anyone who would like create real change in their lives to consider a long term Juice Feast. It will open your eyes and your heart and unveil a whole new set of possibilities for you. It has truly been a rewarding journey for me and one that I will revisit regularly throughout my lifetime.

Much credit goes to Courtney, who has been an incredible teacher and guide throughout this transformation time. Thank you with all of my heart.
— Brandi, Kauai, Hawaii, completed 21 days of Juice Feasting
I would like to give a shout-out to Courtney Pool for her amazing work as a Juice Feasting Coach. The results of my 15-day juice cleanse have been beyond my wildest imagination. From eliminating symptoms of my rare auto-immune disorder, losing extra weight, skin clearing, and the craziest and most unexpected thing: having a few random grey hairs re-pigment themselves. I am beyond appreciative.
— Jess, Fort Collins, Colorado
Two summers ago, I found Courtney Pool online. I was desperate for help with weight loss, as I had often found myself. My weight had climbed and I was unhappy and uncomfortable with my body. I knew I had the potential to be my best self on the inside and the outside. I’d struggled with dieting and restricting food all of my adult life. There were moments when I was so close to my goal, but I always fell off the wagon. Every time I started a new plan I believed I had finally found the way. I always ended up back where I started.

With Courtney’s coaching and guidance I committed to a 21-day juice feast. 21 days turned to 30, and 30 turned into 40. Overall I lost 20 pounds and many inches during my feast. I gained a lot of confidence, learning, and love for myself. I never really looked into compulsive eating, and while I knew I struggled to maintain a healthy weight, I didn’t understand why. I never would have dreamed I could succeed on a regimen of juice alone. I could not have completed a feast without Courtney. She’s someone I trust and respect as an expert in her field. Courtney gave me a safe, non-judgmental environment to not feel ashamed for my compulsive and emotional eating.

While I had been through this journey once before, I turned again to Courtney to be my coach on this new journey. From two summers ago to now I’ve made huge strides in dealing with compulsive and emotional eating. I’m healing and growing in my understanding. I feel amazing.

I truly believe that juicing is the fountain of youth. Juicing has had so many positive impacts on my spirit and my life. I see Courtney as my coach and mentor for a life at an ideal weight with a healthy emotional perspective. She has truly changed my life. My experience with Courtney has deepened my understanding and interest in natural healing and plant based nutrition.
— Chris, Denver, CO, completed 40-day and 21-day Juice Feasts
Courtney coached me through 70 days of Juice Feasting. Before I started the Juice Feast, I had a 15 year history of compulsive eating, obsession with my weight, and extremely negative body-image and self-image. I ate to numb myself from any and every form of emotion – even joy! It all felt too intense to be with, and I chose to live life in a grey haze of fear and anxiety and the ever-comforting food. Except, food wasn’t comforting. It was the reason for my up and down, seriously in-control and seriously out-of-control roller coaster life.

I decided to Juice Feast because I knew that removing food from my life would bring up all of the fears that I wasn’t letting myself face. I really wanted to grow out of the emotional limitations that I was living in, and find a vibrant, exciting, colourful, confident and passionate life where I knew who I was and enjoyed who I was.

Courtney was an essential part of the incredible transformation that 70 days of Juice Feasting wrought in my heart, mind and body. She talked me through the myriad of feelings that came up, supported me through every struggle and every joy, validated my journey with heaps of encouragement, attentiveness and care, and taught me the essential skill of how to sit with uncomfortable emotions without numbing them (this practice alone led to an unbelievable number of emotional breakthroughs!). Having Courtney as my coach made my entire Juice Feast not only possible, but the best thing that I have ever done for myself.

I recommend Courtney to everyone who ever asks me about Juice Feasting – she has really made a huge difference in my life, and I’m profoundly grateful to have been coached by her.
— Anna Stanford, Perth, Western Australia
I’ve worked with ‘experts’ in the past on how to handle stressful and ‘negative’ emotions and never found a solution that seemed to work for me.

When I found out about Courtney I decided to work with her. The reason I was excited is it seemed she had a way to help me accept and release the emotions in a natural and holistic way, which just in my gut made sense.

We started working together and she shared with me a few simple, powerful and sometimes fast exercises to help release ‘stressful’ or ‘unwanted’ emotions. When I would do her exercises I would almost always feel very peaceful inside afterwards. It felt amazing.

Like the storm brewing inside me had been calm down and went from big waves crashing into each other to calm water gently flowing.

Her methods are effective, holistic, natural, and can be done anywhere which I love. Thanks Courtney!
— Aaron, Las Vegas, Nevada
Courtney’s knowledge of raw food, plant-based nutrition, and a holistic lifestyle is extensive, and her support as well as relaying of information for guests at the Tree of Life was fantastic.
— Gabriel Cousens, M.D.
Courtney has devoted her career to helping people improve their nutrition and overcome food addictions, and her assistance meant a lot to me.

I decided to try a juice cleanse to get more in touch with my relationship to food, and that’s exactly what happened.

I’ve never really thought of myself as having food addictions (self-delusional, I know), but as I juice-drank myself through the week, it became apparent that, yes, I do.

The whole process helped me feel through the many false beliefs I have about food, and so I’m grateful I did the cleanse because my eating habits have changed for the better from the time of my juice cleanse until now.
— Heather Nibley, Provo, Utah, 7-day Juice Feast
I’ve had lots of experience with juicing and doing a little juice fasting before, but actually getting coached through a juice FEAST with Courtney was one of the best decisions I ever made. Even as an avid ‘health nut’ we can always use a good coach to help us reach higher levels of vibration and impart more knowledge on us during the process. She gave me not only the direction I needed with supplementing, etc. but the check ins were what really helped me make it through! I truly attribute my Juice Feast with Courtney to the mental clarity and focus I gained to kick off my own business ventures in health and wellness and will be forever grateful to Courtney for her commitment to sharing the experience of Juice Feasting and raw foods with all!
— Kristin Fraser, Alberta, Canada, completed 14 days of Juice Feasting
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Courtney is an amazing coach. My 21-day juice feast was a very pleasant experience. I set my goal and Courtney kept her hand gently (but firmly) on mine as I held the rudder steady into the adventure of discovering my healthier self. Joking with friends I say that I let go of five addictions: sugar, alcohol, chocolate, coffee and food. And I did! It’s feels great to know that I’m in charge. The valuable calls from Courtney were always on target, every word a teaching and a support. She was always generous with sharing her experiences, tips, recipes and answers to my many questions. Courtney had such respect for my process and I always felt she also valued our time together. She is a super advocate, great listener, patient, kind and keeps one on task! I am grateful for Courtney – for her support, the strength she gave me and for our new friendship.
— Mary Ann Boe, Eau Claire, Wisconsin, completed a 21-day and 7-day Juice Feast
I wanted to try a juice cleanse but didn’t know how to, and had zero support from anyone around me, and then I stumbled over Courtney online. My first days of my Juice Feast went by extremely smoothly. I wasn’t even hungry.

Fasting has taught me to live in the present. I already feel more connected to myself and the life I am living. It is exciting to find out what my inner me has to say! Now, as one of the many Juice Feasters out there, it is easy to see what I gained from completing my first 7 days of drinking green juice: my confidence is high, my body feels fantastic and full of energy, my friends think I am amazing (and still a bit crazy), my mind is clear and I have grown as a person. But I also remember what it is like to be on the other side, to not believe in the benefits of juice cleansing and to only see the downsides of giving up food. Today I am very happy that I dared to face those thoughts and give it a try. I dared to win, and I won!

Thank you Courtney for leading the way through my old believes and habits towards a better, fuller life. Your support and great knowledge helped me complete the first of many Juice Feasts to come!
— Josefin, Linköping, Sweden, completed 7 days of Juice Feasting
I am a huge admirer of Courtney Pool! I was fortunate to have Courtney coach me through a 37-day Juice Feast. Her advice and encouragement were invaluable. She helped me decipher some of the symptoms that arose during the Feast and her advice on supplements was terrific.

Breaking the Juice Feast brought up mixed emotions for me, but Courtney encouraged me to listen to my body, as it would guide me as to when it was the right time to begin crucial process of re-introducing solid nutrition. Completing a 37-day Juice Feast is one of my proudest achievements and it was only possible with the coaching Courtney offered. I can’t recommend her highly enough!
— Emily Robin Minerva, Rochester, New York, completed 37 days of Juice Feasting
While to many people the idea of living on juice for 3 weeks could seem extreme, I found that what it unearthed in me was a deeper sense of what it meant to find equilibrium and calm. In the past, I would have eaten heavy food to numb that feeling, or to ‘calm’ myself. The inability to do that while remaining committed to my goal of a 21-day Juice Feast helped me prove to myself that I can, in fact, survive the feeling of sadness without the ‘help’ of food.

When I sat down on a bench overlooking the crashing waves of Windansea Beach in La Jolla, smoothie in hand, about to take my first sip of non-juice and break my juice fast, I felt a deep and overwhelming sense of gratitude for the beauty of my surroundings, the beauty of my experience, the help of my amazing coach Courtney, and the support of everyone who loves me.

I think the newer, more unfamiliar type of gratitude that I felt, however, was gratitude for myself, gratitude for my own inner life and world that had given me permission, time, and space to complete a journey that had seemed impossible to me.
— Emily, San Diego, California, completed 21 days of Juice Feasting
My Juice Feast has been the most life changing event of my life: difficult, easy, long, quick, happy and sad. This process is, I believe, the answer to everything! My intention initially was to detox my body and move closer to living a vegan lifestyle. I achieved that goal but it was the smallest achievement. The juice feast exposed my unhappiness with myself, limiting beliefs and lack of self love. It’s amazing how this practice, which forced me to go inward instead of turning to comfort foods, literally created a re-birth. My negative un-processed emotions have been released, I dropped the crazy limiting beliefs I had and I love myself completely for the first time. I have more energy, my emotions are stable, I’m creating new things in my life that excite me. I’m happy with the person I see in the mirror.

I could not have had such a rich experience without you. You added so much value to my process and to my life in these short weeks. I felt like you knew me from day one and understood everything I was going through, as I know you went through a similar journey, and that is more valuable than anything else. You are truly gifted in helping others keep the promise they make to themselves. Your advice, knowledge and support has been such a blessing. I have learnt so much from you and I am very honoured to have had you as my Coach.
— Eva, Johannesburg, South Africa, completed 21 days of Juice Feasting with Courtney

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I came to this Juice Feasting as a desperate ‘last resort’. I was 4 stone overweight and eating unhealthily and constantly and didn’t know how to break the downward spiral.

And yet now - having completed two feasts totaling 13 weeks over 15 week period and losing over 50 lbs - I am shocked at how easy it was. The only drastic part was the idea of removing food from my life.

Being on a juice feast felt very different to what I thought. I was ready to be in pain and aching for food but it was never like that. I see now that Courtney has designed this process to help us truly succeed, heal and reach our goals. Each component is carefully thought out; the rules are few and easy to follow, you’re allowed as much juice as you feel you need day to day and at the centre of it all is Courtney with her easy manner and wisdom.

Courtney repeatedly offered powerful and practical insights that have changed how I view and deal with so many things including the cravings and compulsions. Juice Feasting is a trip everyone should take.
— Liz, Dublin, Ireland
I completed a 10-day Juice Feast with Courtney’s guidance, and have to say it was an excellent experience. After going through a highly stressful and emotional period of my life, I was looking for a way to reset my body, my mind, and my heart, and hopefully connect more intuitively and spiritually.

This 10-day juice cleanse offered all of these for me. Her knowledge of nutrition, the vegan lifestyle, and fasting along with learning about some of my emotional hooks to food, helped me to learn more about myself, my habits, and how to take better care of myself. During the fast itself, it was a time of deep inner connection and introspection.

I highly recommend periodic fasting as a way to reset and reconnect and Courtney is an excellent resource person and guide.
— Kevin Boon, Nova Scotia, Canada
You have accomplished the goal I started with and more. You made the food part easy by making me consciously aware of the food I’m eating and actively think about why I’m eating. I know I didn’t start with that goal in mind, and I don’t think I would have understood how important it is to understand. Now I look back and realize that it was the most important lesson I learned in the past 6 weeks.

I’m down 12 pounds this year, I have a set routine, I believe it will stick and even get better. I think my next steps are to address all the emotional issues that have lost their cover of sugary and fatty foods. So this is the long way around to saying thank you for all your help. You are a great coach.
— Bill, Tampa, FL
Just completed my 5-day Juice Feast program with Courtney’s coaching. She was pleasant, polite, punctual and professional! She provided just the right amount of nudge. I would strongly recommend her as a coach for your next juice cleanse and plan to contact her again myself.
— Joe, Hyde Park, New York, 5 day Juice Feast
Courtney is a fabulous coach! I worked closely with her for four weeks on meal content and structure, anxieties around food, and compulsive eating thoughts, behaviors, and emotions.

It was clear from our first phone call that Courtney is passionate about what she does and cares about her clients. Her kind and calm demeanor made me feel heard and supported, while her knowledge and experience challenged me to reframe my approach to food and eating to one of greater empowerment. I sought out Courtney’s guidance when I thought I had tried everything and could not get to the root of my issues with food.

Over the last four weeks, I’ve been able to experience real shifts and inspiration, and for that I’m so delighted and grateful.
— Larkin, Austin, Texas
Courtney guided me through the whole juicing process and was there with encouragement and most of all understanding especially though the tricky times. I would without a doubt highly recommend Courtney to anyone looking for support through a juice feast/cleanse and especially those who struggle with food.

Courtney has been there, so there is no shame embarrassment or guilt, just understanding, knowledge and compassion. Thank you Courtney from the bottom of my heart!
— Paula, Galashiels, Scotland, 30-day Juice Feast
For over 4 years I have worked with Courtney numerous times in both the realm of Juice Feasting and live food nutrition, including a 44-day Juice Feast many other shorter Juice Feasts. How do I do her justice in a few sentences? Having Courtney coach and guide me along made it 100% doable and successful. In places I would constantly get stuck every time I tried attempting a juice cleanse on my own, her wide range of knowledge allowed to her to be able to help me see the doors to open and go through! I had so much success due to her helping me to understand what the detox signs were, also. Juice feasting has helped me clear deeply-rooted internal issues I could not see or name otherwise. I am very grateful for her steady, calm and truthful spirit. Her coaching has been a huge blessing.
— Jaime, Salt Lake City, Utah, completed 44 days of Juice Feasting
I Juice Feasted for two months under the guidance of Courtney Pool. I could never have done such a long juice feast without coaching. I had done several 2 to 3 day Juice Feasts in the past. I loved the way my body felt during the Juice Feasts: light, energetic, and joyful. But I could not go beyond several days on my own.

Talking to Courtney on a regular and frequent basis made all the difference. Instead of relying on my willpower to go on juicing every morning for several more days and being alone in periods of doubt, I would just enjoy the day ahead of me, not thinking too much of the rest.

The coaching with Courtney has been so rich. Courtney adapted to my needs and interests, and would also detect important subjects for us to address out of the little details of what I was saying. Courtney has helped me gain clarity and and let go of the fear, without having to force things or grind my teeth.

I loved the coaching ‘moments’ with Courtney: everything in my world would suddenly feel lighter, we would laugh, I would feel great afterwards. The fact that we laughed so much is really striking given the enormous transformations I have been through with Courtney’s guidance–one would think the changes were so heavy that they would be lived through with a very serious face!

In regards to my relationship to food, I have discovered how to eat with awareness, pleasure and nourishment, which has replaced the diet and compulsive eating cycles. Courtney’s guidance has been a real blessing, as she is so knowledgeable with the subject of compulsive eating and dieting, and has such a non-stressful approach. Her way of dealing with that matter was very new for me and was enlightening.

During and after a Juice Feast, people tell you that you shine and that you are beautiful. I got in touch with my sense of femininity. It has been so wonderful to be coached by Courtney: she is so knowledgeable, wise, sweet and… fun! I wish I had more words to express my gratitude.
— Clemence, Paris, France – completed 61 days of Juice Feasting
I’ve had eating issues since childhood. Courtney has helped me get on the path to a healthy relationship with food. Her insights have been essential to my journey. I’ve been very comforted to know that I have a great person by my side.
— Kristi, Seoul, South Korea, completed 50 days of Juice Feasting
One of the things that has helped me a lot was the fact that I could vent, I could express very personal things. Your personal experience was tremendously helpful and thank you so much for sharing the most effective tips with me! One of the main reasons why I wanted to be coached by you was because you I find you so genuine. You are smart, articulate and have that natural ability to understand what people are going through. You sincerely have at heart people’s well-being and pure intentions. Thanks again for your amazing spirit and support! You are extremely talented at what you do! Your help has changed my life!
— Kat, Sydney, Australia, completed 43 days of Juice Feasting
Courtney has helped me a great deal! Most importantly, she helped me turn a daunting topic– emotional eating– into a more simple concept. I feel it is now something that seems achievable for me to overcome. That alone is huge for me.
— Stacy, San Diego, CA
I want to thank you so incredibly much for your support during my juice cleanse. I could not have done it without your support – your coaching – your tips – and your compassion for those of us who struggle with food. I will hold these 21 days in a special place in my heart, and will take with me everything I learned while working with you. You are so good at what you do and I am truly inspired.
— Jenna, Denver, Colorado, completed 21 days of Juice Feasting
I sat down this evening to journal, and felt called to share how much I appreciate you and the healing you’re bringing to the world.

I’m living more vibrantly today in all aspects of my life—physically, mentally, emotionally and spiritually—and I have you to thank for it. I didn’t realize how much emotion I was suppressing... You’ve opened up a new world for me, full of a range of emotions and restored health. I’m forever grateful for you!

You are amazing. Thank you for being patient with me and for supporting me in my journey.
— Mariangel B

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