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My 13-year Veganniversary Post: Macros, the Soy Debate & More
Strictly speaking, I didn’t move to a total, never-going-back vegan diet until about a year later, due to the fact that my food addiction was such that occasionally I would say yes to a free brownie that had milk in it. However, after August 2005 I never again had meat or fish, never bought eggs or dairy again, and knew in my heart my desire was to be all vegan.
Five New Videos On Cleansing: Intermittent Fasting, How To Juice Cleanse!
I’ve had a recent site revamp and a few of my blog posts were lost in the transition. However, they were mostly to announce new videos I’d made, which I’m doing again here. So if you are interested in what the benefits of intermittent fasting are, how to juice cleanse in cold weather or over the holidays, these videos are for you! See below.
New Videos: How To Juice Cleanse
Hi Friends,
I’ve begun a new youtube playlist called How To Juice Cleanse! Though many health coaches package their knowledge into a paid e-course, e-book, or keep it only for private clients, I’ve decided to share everything I know for free, publicly.
If you’d like individualized coaching for a Juice Cleanse or other purpose, however, I do offer that, which you can email me about at the contact tab. And if you’d like to donate towards my ability to keep creating these free videos rather than charging for my 12 years of study and practice, you’re welcome to at Paypal or Patreon. Thank you!
My Story on Juice Cleansing, Overeating, Veganism, Weight Loss: New Video
My first longer video is up! In this video I talk about my personal experience with juice cleansing, losing weight, going vegan, and healing overeating, all things I work with clients on and teach about now. This video can be viewed by clicking here or by viewing below.
My New Youtube Channel
I’ve finally begun my youtube channel as promised in my blog post a few months ago! On this channel eventually you’ll find videos pertaining to all the things I blog about: juice cleansing, vegan nutrition and healing food addiction, as well as expanding into more areas of exploration and discussion as well.

How Juice Cleansing Can Support Healing Overeating
Most people seek juice cleansing for the alleviation of physical health problems and weight loss, which it can help greatly with and is one of the healthiest physical methods for those ends. Today though, I’m excited to discuss how juice cleansing can support us in healing overeating and food addiction. I’ve personally done juice cleanses of many lengths, including my longest of 60-something days, and they have greatly assisted me in my journey of healing overeating and permanent, healthy weight loss.

Some Changes Around Here
I hope the new year finds you well! It’s a bit late for a happy new year greeting, but as this is the first time I’ve posted this year, better late than never, right? This blog will be a bit different than the blogs you’ve read from me before. I want to get personal and let you know of some changes as well as new avenues to share with you that will be coming soon.

My August 2016 Juice Cleanse, And Does It Get Easier?
I’ve finished a 5-day Juice Cleanse about a week ago, and I told my newsletter subscribers that I’d write about it, so here I am taking to my blog. Some of you are clients of mine right now and were so kind tell me good luck and ask me how I was doing on my cleanse. It was odd to have the roles reversed!

Rainbow Spring Rolls With Peanut Dipping Sauce
This is so my kind of meal! It’s refreshing, crunchy, nutritious and it tastes amazing. It’s a fun, colorful way to give your body an array of veggies and to truly “taste the rainbow”.
I also love the fact that you can switch out what you put in these with the same wrappers and sauce, which gives you near-endless options to vary this recipe and make it new each time you prepare it. It also makes it a great recipe to use whatever odds and ends veggies you need to use up in your fridge.

5 Juice Cleanse Mistakes and How To Avoid Them
The right kind of juice cleanse has the potential to transform your health on a mind, body and soul level. The wrong kind of juice cleanse however will set you up for problems. Unfortunately, all too often I see juice cleanse blogs or news which describe how someone did a juice cleanse, and how they then felt bad and/or didn’t get the results they wanted. Usually reading their blogs I see at least a few if not all of the following mistakes in how they did their cleanse. It is no mystery to me why this person had the experience they had, and yet a bad experience can deter someone from juice cleansing all together. But fear not! These common mistakes are ones you can correct and alleviate most of the common complaints of juice cleanses.
Advice From A 10-Year Vegan
I’m a little late in posting this; the late summer of this year marked 10 years of veganism for me! There are so many ways people write “veganniversary” blogs, but for mine, I decided to create a Q&A with common questions people ask of me. So let’s dig right in!

Orange Citrus Green Juice: A Radical Radiance Recipe
I developed and enjoyed this recipe in a chilly phase of a Colorado winter, but it’s refreshing and energizing anytime, anywhere!

Warming Spicy Green Juice: A Radical Radiance Recipe
People often ask me how it’s possible to handle drinking cold juice during the winter, whether that’s in the context of a Juice Feast, or just adding fresh juice to your normal eating routine. I discussed this more in-depth in my post, How to Juice Cleanse in Cold Weather, but one of the tricks is to use lots of cayenne and ginger. This is a good tip if you want to eat a lot of raw food in winter, too.

Health and Compulsive Eating: How to Get Through the Holidays, Part 2
Hi friends! I wrote Part 1 in this series, called Health & Compulsive Eating: How to Get Through the Holidays, Part 1 a while ago about food and the holidays. This is a series I’m really enjoying writing. All of what I write blends with my personal experience, but this topic is especially important to me because I used to be that person who dreaded the weight gain of the holidays, and who did indeed always gain weight during the holidays, and feel overall pretty awful by the end of them. The holiday season was one where I always felt totally preoccupied and anxious, and in retrospect, I can see how little I really was able to actually enjoy the holidays because of that. And now I have had the experience of what it’s like to have the holiday season hold no fear. I don’t worry I will eat too much, I don’t worry I’ll eat lots of junk food, I don’t worry I’ll gain weight, and — I don’t. I would love for everyone to have that experience. We all certainly deserve it and are capable of it! And thus, it’s time for Part 2!

Travel Blog: Healthy and Happy in Iceland
Hi friends! I have returned from almost a week in Iceland and am very excited to blog about it. Sarah and I decided to go as Iceland has been on both of our travel lists for a while. I was particularly excited because I had not ever left the continent, and have really not been many places outside the USA. I have been to Montreal and also a bit over the border into Mexico, but that’s it!

Cucumber Dill Green Soup Recipe
This is the type of meal I love. Dill has taken a hold on me this summer and I have been making tons of recipes with dill. I just love it.
This recipe is based on my friend Gena Hamshaw‘s Green Soup/Blended Salad recipe. So thanks to her inspiration, I have a new favorite soup. I’ve made just a few changes to it for my own taste.

Is It Rude To Eat Differently From My Family and Friends?
Are these scenarios familiar?
You go to your family member’s house and they have prepared food for everyone, which is the kind of food they eat, but not the kind you eat (or want to be eating). You feel like you’d be rude not to eat what they prepare, or inconsiderate to insist on eating your own way. Perhaps they even tell you that you are indeed rude, or inconsiderate, or difficult. So you eat what they make, and it makes your body feel bad, or it brings you a conflict morally (ie. if your different way of eating is vegan or vegetarian for ethics).

Follow Up: Spring Modified Juice Feast and Recipe
My goodness, I am late in posting this blog! I did my little Modified Juice Feast that I wrote about in my last blog post (click here for that post), and then family came to visit, and so I am just now getting to share this with you.

A Cleansing Alternative: The Modified Juice Feast
Hi again! I am excited to talk about an alternative to a juice-only cleanse, something I’ve actually been teaching as well for many years. It’s called a Modified Juice Feast, and in short, the main difference is rather than all juice, you drink mostly juice and then eat raw, non-fatty produce. I’m actually going to be starting one tomorrow and then blogging about it throughout, so you’ll be able to get a bit of an idea of how it looks.

Should I Post My “Before and Afters”?
I’d love your thoughts on a serious subject that I’ve been thinking about for a while: my own “before and after” photos.
I sometimes get the feedback from people who are struggling with compulsive eating that they don’t totally feel they can relate to me, because all my pictures of myself up on my blog and social media are of me since I have healed a lot of my compulsive eating, and generally looking pretty happy and healthy (which I am now). Many of the people I work with (though not all) have weight issues due to compulsive eating and feel their extra weight is unhealthy or uncomfortable, and may have a lot of emotional pain about struggling with weight, too. I was in the same place, as I’ve written lots about, and yet there aren’t any pictures of when I was overweight.