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Five New Videos On Cleansing: Intermittent Fasting, How To Juice Cleanse!
I’ve had a recent site revamp and a few of my blog posts were lost in the transition. However, they were mostly to announce new videos I’d made, which I’m doing again here. So if you are interested in what the benefits of intermittent fasting are, how to juice cleanse in cold weather or over the holidays, these videos are for you! See below.
New Videos: Healing Overeating
Hi Friends,
I’ve enjoyed making the first few videos in my series about healing food addiction, and they’re up!
Food addiction, compulsive eating, overeating, binge eating, emotional eating, mindless eating: whatever you want to call it and whatever severity of it we may engage, it’s a subject I’m really excited to share about. It consumed most of my thoughts and energy for most of my life and so I know what it can feel like to feel trapped in it. The good news is, no matter how long we’ve done it or how bad it’s been, we can all heal it, completely.
I hope you’ll find these videos helpful 🙂
New Videos: How To Juice Cleanse
Hi Friends,
I’ve begun a new youtube playlist called How To Juice Cleanse! Though many health coaches package their knowledge into a paid e-course, e-book, or keep it only for private clients, I’ve decided to share everything I know for free, publicly.
If you’d like individualized coaching for a Juice Cleanse or other purpose, however, I do offer that, which you can email me about at the contact tab. And if you’d like to donate towards my ability to keep creating these free videos rather than charging for my 12 years of study and practice, you’re welcome to at Paypal or Patreon. Thank you!
My Story on Juice Cleansing, Overeating, Veganism, Weight Loss: New Video
My first longer video is up! In this video I talk about my personal experience with juice cleansing, losing weight, going vegan, and healing overeating, all things I work with clients on and teach about now. This video can be viewed by clicking here or by viewing below.
My New Youtube Channel
I’ve finally begun my youtube channel as promised in my blog post a few months ago! On this channel eventually you’ll find videos pertaining to all the things I blog about: juice cleansing, vegan nutrition and healing food addiction, as well as expanding into more areas of exploration and discussion as well.

How Juice Cleansing Can Support Healing Overeating
Most people seek juice cleansing for the alleviation of physical health problems and weight loss, which it can help greatly with and is one of the healthiest physical methods for those ends. Today though, I’m excited to discuss how juice cleansing can support us in healing overeating and food addiction. I’ve personally done juice cleanses of many lengths, including my longest of 60-something days, and they have greatly assisted me in my journey of healing overeating and permanent, healthy weight loss.

Some Changes Around Here
I hope the new year finds you well! It’s a bit late for a happy new year greeting, but as this is the first time I’ve posted this year, better late than never, right? This blog will be a bit different than the blogs you’ve read from me before. I want to get personal and let you know of some changes as well as new avenues to share with you that will be coming soon.

My August 2016 Juice Cleanse, And Does It Get Easier?
I’ve finished a 5-day Juice Cleanse about a week ago, and I told my newsletter subscribers that I’d write about it, so here I am taking to my blog. Some of you are clients of mine right now and were so kind tell me good luck and ask me how I was doing on my cleanse. It was odd to have the roles reversed!
Advice From A 10-Year Vegan
I’m a little late in posting this; the late summer of this year marked 10 years of veganism for me! There are so many ways people write “veganniversary” blogs, but for mine, I decided to create a Q&A with common questions people ask of me. So let’s dig right in!
The Real Reason You Compulsively Eat (And How To Change That)
I have Google Alerts for the terms “compulsive eating”, “overeating” and other similar keywords set up on my email. If you’re not familiar with Google Alerts, you set them up for any phrase or word to be emailed the top news stories and articles on those topics every day. It’s interesting for me as a compulsive eating coach and someone who has healed my own binge eating and overeating, to see what the world is saying about the topic. Mainly, I’m usually amazed by how most articles on compulsive eating are essentially written as such:
Chia Oat Porridge With Berries: A Radical Radiance Recipe
This is one of my absolute favorite breakfasts. If I don’t have a smoothie, it’s generally this recipe that I’m eating. In fact, when I have this around, it also sometimes serves as a great snack or dessert that satisfies, tastes great and is oh-so-good for us! I also love that you can make this in a big batch and it will keep for a couple days. It takes time for the chia to expand and be ready, so I like to make it at night before going to bed and when I wake up the next morning, voila! It’s ready.
Weight and Body Size: What Will Others Think of Me?
But what if they’ll notice I’ve gained weight? What if will they think when they see I’m still not thin. They’ll know I don’t have it all together if they see that I’m struggling with my weight.
Many of us are very afraid other people noticing our extra weight. We’re afraid they’ll notice we gained some, we’re afraid they’ll notice we haven’t lost any, or we’re just afraid they’ll notice we’re not thin. We are afraid not just about others noticing, but of them silently judging, or, even worse, commenting on it. We may be afraid, too, of the reactions of competitive people who might get some twisted satisfaction out of seeing us “fail” in regards to our weight.
Weight, Food, and the Bully In Your Head
Many of us who have struggled with compulsive eating and weight have a pretty mean voice in our heads that is either ever-present, or comes out to take swings when the scale moves up or we ate that donut. It might be slightly critical or judgmental, or it might be flat-out abusive. The voice can differ from person to person, but the common denominator for most of us is that whatever the precise kinds of things we say to ourselves, the voice is anything but loving.

Travel Blog: Healthy and Happy in Iceland
Hi friends! I have returned from almost a week in Iceland and am very excited to blog about it. Sarah and I decided to go as Iceland has been on both of our travel lists for a while. I was particularly excited because I had not ever left the continent, and have really not been many places outside the USA. I have been to Montreal and also a bit over the border into Mexico, but that’s it!

Follow Up: Spring Modified Juice Feast and Recipe
My goodness, I am late in posting this blog! I did my little Modified Juice Feast that I wrote about in my last blog post (click here for that post), and then family came to visit, and so I am just now getting to share this with you.

A Cleansing Alternative: The Modified Juice Feast
Hi again! I am excited to talk about an alternative to a juice-only cleanse, something I’ve actually been teaching as well for many years. It’s called a Modified Juice Feast, and in short, the main difference is rather than all juice, you drink mostly juice and then eat raw, non-fatty produce. I’m actually going to be starting one tomorrow and then blogging about it throughout, so you’ll be able to get a bit of an idea of how it looks.

My Decision: My “Before and After” Photos
When I posted my first blog two weeks ago, called “Should I Post My ‘Before and Afters’?” I knew that hearing from you would be helpful, but the entire topic allowed for a rich and powerful discussion on the bigger topics of body image, shame, achievement, and inspiration. And out of the dozens and dozens of comments and thoughts about it that I received, everyone was so loving towards me and towards each other on the various threads. I just love that.

Should I Post My “Before and Afters”?
I’d love your thoughts on a serious subject that I’ve been thinking about for a while: my own “before and after” photos.
I sometimes get the feedback from people who are struggling with compulsive eating that they don’t totally feel they can relate to me, because all my pictures of myself up on my blog and social media are of me since I have healed a lot of my compulsive eating, and generally looking pretty happy and healthy (which I am now). Many of the people I work with (though not all) have weight issues due to compulsive eating and feel their extra weight is unhealthy or uncomfortable, and may have a lot of emotional pain about struggling with weight, too. I was in the same place, as I’ve written lots about, and yet there aren’t any pictures of when I was overweight.

My January 2014 Juice Cleanse: Days 5-7
I have finished my January week-long Juice Cleanse and am glad that I did it! If you didn’t catch my recap of Days 1-4, you can read about it by clicking here. I actually found it to be the easiest winter juice cleanse I’ve done; the cold weather didn’t bother me so much this time around. I just bundled up and used a lot of blankets, and hey, who can say that’s not cozy?

My January 2014 Juice Cleanse: Days 1-4
I have embarked on my first juice cleanse since I moved to Colorado, and this is also the juice cleanse which, as of today, will officially put me over 200 days of juice cleansing total. That’s over about 8 years, but still a big number when I look at it. Those 200 days have been some of the more transformating of my life, partly because of the physical healing, and partly because of the emotional healing.