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Learn About Your Overeating at Holidays with Family
During the holidays with your family, you can learn a great deal about your compulsive eating by tuning into yourself emotionally when you’re around them.

Healing Compulsive Eating: What Are Cravings, Really?
How can you know if a craving for a particular food is a desire coming from the physical body, or a desire coming from you emotionally, which may actually be a compulsive, addictive feeling?

Compulsive Eating and Being a Cycle-Breaker
Your compulsive eating may indicate that you’re a cycle-breaker in your family, but you’re trying to avoid stepping into that, and food is how you numb out from the truth.

Overeating Isn’t Really About Food
Overeating isn’t really about your relationship with food, it’s about your relationship with emotions. Overeating is like the last domino in a domino chain. It's an effect and a symptom of a deeper underlying cause.

Compulsive Eating: When You Feel it’s Not Emotional
It is normal, when we begin this healing process, to feel like, "I don't have many suppressed feelings. I don’t think my overeating is due to an emotional cause.”

What Would You Give Up to Heal Binge Eating?
If you had to lose your family, your religion, your job or your partner in order to fully heal food addiction and come home to yourself, would you be willing to love yourself that much?

If You Weren’t Abused, but You Still Overeat
Most of the clients I work with in healing overeating did not have overt abuse in their family. We often assume that it is only people who what we consider significant trauma who have an understandable explanation for their compulsive eating.

Healing Compulsive Eating: Never Diet Again
When you heal the root causes of compulsive eating, you’ll never need to go on a diet again! Continually dieting is exhausting. Planning the next one, falling off the wagon or being successful, slipping back to old ways, and then trying the next one.

When we Overeat, We Emotionally Abandon Ourselves
So many of us have pain from others who have rejected, abandoned or ignored us, and yet we do the same thing to ourselves when we overeat. Instead, we can stay with the angry, scared, and hurt parts of ourselves.

Do You Try to Eliminate “Temptations”?
When we are worried about overeating we often ask your partner or children to not bring certain foods into the house because we feel powerless when they're in front of us. But is this necessary?

Binge Eating: Let Your Tears Flow
If you overeat, there's a high likelihood that one of the emotions you're using food to suppress is sadness. The only way to release sadness from your soul is to cry.

How to Stop Emotionally Eating When You’re Lonely
Overeating when we feel lonely is a common experience. But being by yourself and feeling lonely are not intrinsically related. We can feel lonely when we aren't alone, and we may not feel lonely even when we are alone.

Overeating to Make Tolerable the Intolerable
Overeating can make the intolerable in your life feel more tolerable. It can help us "cope" with things in our lives that don't feel good. Here’s what you can do about that if this is the case for you.

Compulsive Eating and Suppressing Feelings
Questions you can ask yourself when you want to eat compulsively: What am I feeling emotionally right now? Am I trying to get a feeling from this food/drink? Am I trying to suppress a feeling with this food/drink?

Rage is a Magic Key to Healing Overeating
When I look back on what has helped me to heal from binge eating, one of the biggest pieces of the puzzle has been finally feeling some anger and rage after having had a lifetime of suppression.

Food Addiction Indicates a Crisis in Self-Love
We often think of overeating in terms of calories and willpower, when we really need to be thinking about it in terms of self-love. Overeating tendencies tell us of a crisis of self-love within the soul of a person.

Compulsive Eating to Stay Productive
Do you force yourself into productivity when you’re tired? This can explain why you compulsively eat when you’re fatigued. To change this, we can examine our emotions regarding achievement, perfectionism, and productivity.

If Your Parents Tried to Fix Your Overeating
It was damaging if your parent tried to fix your overeating or criticized your eating or weight, without self-reflecting on what ways they may have been creating the problem in you.

Have Compassion for the Child You Were
Have compassion for the child you were, who knew no other way to cope than with food. Have you had overeating issues most of your life, starting when you were a child? It is vital to have compassion for the fact that you overate that young.

The Real You Has No Eating Issues
Overeating and food addiction are in no way related to your personality or your nature or your real self as it was created to be. Overeating can be healed and we can return to the person we were created to be, who is a person without any food issues.