The Real You Has No Eating Issues

The real you has no eating issues at all. Over time, you can become that person.

Overeating and food addiction are in no way related to your personality or your nature or your real self as it was created to be.

Overeating can be healed and we can return to the person we were created to be, who is a person without any food issues.

This will not happen overnight! We must be patient and kind with ourselves as this is a process.

Do not pressure yourself or insist you should be able to be this person tomorrow, and do not take this truth and use it as a stick to beat yourself with.

This truth is meant to be an inspiration and an assurance that you can heal, there is hope and there is a lot to look forward to.

For many people, standing where they are now with food addiction, it is hard to imagine what that would look like or feel like.

It can feel like a nice idea but totally unimaginable because it feels so far off.

I felt this way too. In my heart I believed that the human soul cannot ever be permanently broken and so full healing must be possible.

But I had never experienced what that was like -- I had been a compulsive overeater from as young as I can remember.

So what I often did was just ask myself, "Could I imagine being five percent improved in my overeating? Or ten percent?"

My definition of improvement and healing was, and is, permanent improvement, where that level of overeating has been permanently healed due to root cause emotions being felt through and released by that process of feeling.

But I often found it easier to challenge myself to deal with the next layer of the onion emotionally by just striving for the next five percent.

Be patient, be kind. Be optimistic, be excited. Be diligent, be focused.

Photo by Robin Mathlener via Unsplash


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