Compulsive Eating and Suppressing Feelings

When you want to compulsively eat, you can ask yourself,

“What feelings am I trying to suppress right now?”

Here are some other questions you can ask yourself when you want to eat compulsively:

What am I feeling emotionally right now?

Am I trying to get a feeling from this food/drink?

Am I trying to suppress a feeling with this food/drink?

How have I been feeling about events of the past week? Month? Year?

Can I use this opportunity right now to delve into issues I've been avoiding my whole life, and chip away at that issue, today, right now?

What questions prove helpful for you when you're examining your compulsive eating?

These would be great questions to journal about as well.

Photo by Aaron Burden via Unsplash


Overeating: Your Parents’ Attitudes to Emotion


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