Food Addiction Indicates a Crisis in Self-Love

We often think of overeating in terms of calories and willpower, when we really need to be thinking about it in terms of self-love.

Overeating tendencies tell us of a crisis of self-love within the soul of a person.

This is nothing to judge or to fear.

We might think that we love ourselves, but the very fact we overeat tells us that there is some lack of self-love in us.

There are many ways that compulsive eating displays that we have a lack of love:

~Caring for our bodies is a part of self-love.

This is not about our appearance, rather this is about questions like, "Am I eating in a way that results in radiant health?" "Am I eating in a way that gives me energy and mental focus?" "Am I eating in a way that is good for my blood, my liver, my heart?"

~Feeling emotions is a part of self-love. Suppressing and denying emotions with food is aggressive and harsh.

Overeating reveals we are not displaying the love towards ourselves to feel our feelings without judging those feelings.

~Many of us who overeat have low-self worth and self-esteem stemming from bad treatment from others, especially in our childhood.

If you don't have self-love, there is a reason. It comes from somewhere, and mainly, it comes from how you were treated as a child. No matter how good or normal you currently believe your childhood was, if you overeat, there is much more to explore there.

~Loving ourselves means seeking the truth about things.

What is the truth of how you feel about your life? About your childhood? What is the truth of how you've been treated, and how you treat others? What is your real personality and what are your true soul's passions and are you expressing them?

What does your emotional eating reveal about your lack of self-love?

Where does that lack of self-love come from?

Why did it get created in you?

What would happen if you began to love yourself more, especially with regards to feeling emotions?

Photo by Guillaume Galtier via Unsplash


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