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My Story on Juice Cleansing, Overeating, Veganism, Weight Loss: New Video
My first longer video is up! In this video I talk about my personal experience with juice cleansing, losing weight, going vegan, and healing overeating, all things I work with clients on and teach about now. This video can be viewed by clicking here or by viewing below.
My New Youtube Channel
I’ve finally begun my youtube channel as promised in my blog post a few months ago! On this channel eventually you’ll find videos pertaining to all the things I blog about: juice cleansing, vegan nutrition and healing food addiction, as well as expanding into more areas of exploration and discussion as well.

How Juice Cleansing Can Support Healing Overeating
Most people seek juice cleansing for the alleviation of physical health problems and weight loss, which it can help greatly with and is one of the healthiest physical methods for those ends. Today though, I’m excited to discuss how juice cleansing can support us in healing overeating and food addiction. I’ve personally done juice cleanses of many lengths, including my longest of 60-something days, and they have greatly assisted me in my journey of healing overeating and permanent, healthy weight loss.

Some Changes Around Here
I hope the new year finds you well! It’s a bit late for a happy new year greeting, but as this is the first time I’ve posted this year, better late than never, right? This blog will be a bit different than the blogs you’ve read from me before. I want to get personal and let you know of some changes as well as new avenues to share with you that will be coming soon.

My August 2016 Juice Cleanse, And Does It Get Easier?
I’ve finished a 5-day Juice Cleanse about a week ago, and I told my newsletter subscribers that I’d write about it, so here I am taking to my blog. Some of you are clients of mine right now and were so kind tell me good luck and ask me how I was doing on my cleanse. It was odd to have the roles reversed!

Health and Compulsive Eating: How to Get Through the Holidays, Part 2
Hi friends! I wrote Part 1 in this series, called Health & Compulsive Eating: How to Get Through the Holidays, Part 1 a while ago about food and the holidays. This is a series I’m really enjoying writing. All of what I write blends with my personal experience, but this topic is especially important to me because I used to be that person who dreaded the weight gain of the holidays, and who did indeed always gain weight during the holidays, and feel overall pretty awful by the end of them. The holiday season was one where I always felt totally preoccupied and anxious, and in retrospect, I can see how little I really was able to actually enjoy the holidays because of that. And now I have had the experience of what it’s like to have the holiday season hold no fear. I don’t worry I will eat too much, I don’t worry I’ll eat lots of junk food, I don’t worry I’ll gain weight, and — I don’t. I would love for everyone to have that experience. We all certainly deserve it and are capable of it! And thus, it’s time for Part 2!

Is It Rude To Eat Differently From My Family and Friends?
Are these scenarios familiar?
You go to your family member’s house and they have prepared food for everyone, which is the kind of food they eat, but not the kind you eat (or want to be eating). You feel like you’d be rude not to eat what they prepare, or inconsiderate to insist on eating your own way. Perhaps they even tell you that you are indeed rude, or inconsiderate, or difficult. So you eat what they make, and it makes your body feel bad, or it brings you a conflict morally (ie. if your different way of eating is vegan or vegetarian for ethics).

My January 2014 Juice Cleanse: Days 1-4
I have embarked on my first juice cleanse since I moved to Colorado, and this is also the juice cleanse which, as of today, will officially put me over 200 days of juice cleansing total. That’s over about 8 years, but still a big number when I look at it. Those 200 days have been some of the more transformating of my life, partly because of the physical healing, and partly because of the emotional healing.

Reddish Beet Kale Green Juice – A Radical Radiance Recipe
Though this juice is reddish because of the beet, it is a green juice! And it can be fun to introduce people to green juice through juices with beet, because the color isn’t as repulsive as when it’s green. It’s really just placebo, but it’s awesome!

How to Have New Year’s Resolutions and Goals – And Be Nice to Yourself
It’s that time again–the time when millions of people make New Year’s Resolutions for their bodies and health. For the past week, as is typical every year around this time, I’ve seen slews of articles about how to make new years resolutions, what you should make them for, and even, many articles saying, “screw New Year’s Resolutions–they just make you feel bad about yourself.” I don’t have any strong opinion on whether you should have them or not. My feeling is that the most important thing to examine is whether or not you’re being kind to yourself if you’re going to have them.

“Snow Shake” Green Smoothie – A Radical Radiance Recipe
I unintentionally made a very festive smoothie the other day and I decided to re-create it and record all the quantities for you! This is a thick (thought you could make it any consistency you like), really satisfying treat. I say treat because it has a fair amount of fruit in it, but also SO much spinach – a really good greens hit!

Health & Compulsive Eating: How to Get Through the Holidays, Part 1
Happy Holidays! Holidays bring mixed feelings for many people who struggle with eating and weight. Many of us look forward to the holidays in some ways, but simultaneously feel worry (or even dread!) about the possibility of overeating, junk food, and how it will affect our weight. By exploring why we go off the deep end, and what’s behind that behavior, we can prevent a great deal of stress and suffering during the holidays (and any time of year). So, let’s dive in!
How Anger and Compulsive Eating Are Related
This quote rings true. Suppressed emotions cause problems. One problem they can cause is compulsive eating. We overeat, compulsively eat, or eat too much junk food because we are trying to avoid, suppress or minimize an emotion in that moment. And so, in the process of healing compulsive eating, we all have to face these emotions we have been avoiding, and often haven’t been aware we even have. If these emotions are ones we have wanted to avoid so much that we use food to suppress them, we can imagine they’re not going to be easy ones for us to feel. These emotions can include sadness, grief, fear, pain, loneliness, insecurity, unworthiness, sorrow–anything really. And they can be about “big” things or “little” things. And they can be about the past, the present, or the future.

Guest Post: Brandi’s 21-day Juice Feast
My name is Brandi, I’m almost 38 years old and I live in Hawaii! I’ve been thinking about doing some sort of cleanse for about the last 9 months, but really since my son was born in 2008! Only just now am I finally ready to commit to the process. After great thought, I have decided that 21 days of green juice, with the support of a juice coach like Courtney, is just what I need to get clear, lose weight, find inner peace, have sustained energy, and replace negative food patterns with a whole new way of plant-based eating. I am ready to have a new outlook on life and the way I eat and to feel better than I have in a very long time. The first step of a long journey is a deep cleanse with green juice. A flush that will purify my organs, brighten up my eyes, and heal my entire body with extraordinary, unmatched nutrition. I am so ready for this and I cant wait to see where this journey takes me!