Reddish Beet Kale Green Juice – A Radical Radiance Recipe

Though this juice is reddish because of the beet, it is a green juice! And it can be fun to introduce people to green juice through juices with beet, because the color isn’t as repulsive as when it’s green. It’s really just placebo, but it’s awesome!

Beets are great for detoxification, and have tons of medicinal properties. They’re not as high in sugar as juice made from most sweet fruits, so work as a great slight sweetener for green juice.

This particular recipe turned out a bit sweeter than I usually have my juices; so feel free to reduce the amount of apple.

Reddish Beet Kale Green Juice

makes approx 16 oz in a juicer

1 medium cucumber
3 tall stalks celery
1 big handful kale, de-stemmed
1/2 medium lemon
1/2 large beet
1 small apple

Juice all! If using the blender/nut milk bag method, add 1 cup water or more if needed, blend, and strain. This method will make more like 22 oz. of liquid.


Anna Stanford

Anna Stanford is an ex-lawyer who saw the light and finally gave in to her irrepressible creativity. These days she helps thought leaders define and package who they are and what they’re bringing to the world.

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