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Reversing Diabetes Naturally
Hello dear readers! I hope your February is going as wonderfully as mine is.
This month has been busy preparing for our Reversing Diabetes and Transformation programs, which are going on now. I always adore getting to know the people I’ve talked with over the phone for as long as a year before they come, and supporting and observing them go through their transformation is an experience I really cherish. Saturday we had a big meeting with everyone, and Sunday night was an inipi sweat lodge led by Gabriel Cousens, M.D.

Tree of Life Garden Pictures 4
“There can be no other occupation like gardening in which, if you were to creep up behind someone at their work, you would find them smiling.”

Thanksgiving Celebrations
Yesterday was my 5th vegan Thanksgiving and was it DELISH. The Tree of Life hosted their annual day of activities, such as group meditation and music, and Thanksgiving potluck. I estimate about 75 people showed up, plus employees, seva and local community. I didn’t intend to end up with mostly food pictures, but I did… Here are some of my favorites from the potluck.

Another Type 1 Diabetes Reversal
Michele, a woman with Type 1 Diabetes, whom I booked for the Reversing Diabetes Naturally program this spring. Michele completely reversed her Type 1 Diabetes in 21 days.
Please note that Gabriel Cousens, M.D. does NOT recommend anyone come of insulin, oral hypoglycemics or any other medications without the supervision of a qualified physician.

Interdependence Celebration Notes
Ok, so the main topic of the Interdependence Day Celebration was on calcification; whose healing is the basis of David Wolfe’s Longevity Now program.
These notes may be a little scattered and leave information to wonder about – I highly recommend getting David Wolfe’s program. Gabriel was all about it, and keep tuned because the Tree of Life is actually going to be offering a “David Wolfe’s Longevity Now” add – on to several of their programs. I am now decked out with both the Barefoot Solutions’ floor pad and bedsheet, and it’s feeling GREAT! After the program, there are all these people opting for walking barefoot around the TOL property, despite the rather harsh and rocky terrain.

The Fiery Ball in the Sky
Hello everyone,
I’m feeling SUMMER, if you know what I mean, and I just want to play in the pool (non chlorinated!) in the sun instead of write on the computer!
Thank you for all your positive feedback on the videos I’ve posted! My friend Puki did a really great job on the documentary, and then compiled the other short videos just for fun because she had extra footage, but people seem to really enjoy them as well! It’s odd being on camera – it was my first time!