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Guest Post: Mary Ann’s 7-Day Juice Cleanse
7-day Juice Feast Blog by Mary Ann:
I am an emotional eater. I love chocolate and alcohol – ugh. I have been trying to figure out why I choose to “numb out” and decided that a Juice Feast would help me find the answer. My goal is to unhook from sugar, let my body heal and my cravings cease. And start the road – again – to losing the 40 pounds that HAVE NO BUSINESS ON MY BODY! (Whoa, that sounded a bit angry.) What a thrill to be starting this Feast with the wisdom and guidance from Courtney, who coached me through 21-days of juice feasting last March. I had such fun filling my cart with produce as I got ready to plunge into Day One. Tip: Clean out the fridge before you go shopping – it’s a ton of veggies!

Red Bell Pepper Green Juice: A Radical Radiance Recipe
Bell pepper is one of my favorite things to make juice with. I think it tastes good with almost anything! It adds just a tinge of sweet but really isn’t high-glycemic at all. Yum! This juice still is green when it’s done because it just has 1 red bell pepper in it, but feel free to try it with more!

My January 2014 Juice Cleanse: Days 5-7
I have finished my January week-long Juice Cleanse and am glad that I did it! If you didn’t catch my recap of Days 1-4, you can read about it by clicking here. I actually found it to be the easiest winter juice cleanse I’ve done; the cold weather didn’t bother me so much this time around. I just bundled up and used a lot of blankets, and hey, who can say that’s not cozy?

My January 2014 Juice Cleanse: Days 1-4
I have embarked on my first juice cleanse since I moved to Colorado, and this is also the juice cleanse which, as of today, will officially put me over 200 days of juice cleansing total. That’s over about 8 years, but still a big number when I look at it. Those 200 days have been some of the more transformating of my life, partly because of the physical healing, and partly because of the emotional healing.

Green Juice With Carrot – A Radical Radiance Recipe
Today I decided to go for something a little darker green than my last juice recipe (Parsley Punch Green Juice), with just a little carrot to sweeten. This definitely tastes green, but is oh-so-good for you! It is the kind of green juice, however, that probably wouldn’t be as good if it’s been sitting for a while, so I would recommend drinking this one straight away if you can.

Parsley Punch Green Juice: A Radical Radiance Recipe
Hello again, friends! I woke up to a sunny autumn morning and had the joy of getting some new plants for my home. Included is a new plant I’ve never had called a Goldfish, which I’m utterly in love with. As in, I think it’s so pretty I coo at it when I walk by. It is a great morning to make a delicious green juice and share the recipe with you!

Peachy Kale Green Smoothie: A Radical Radiance Recipe
Clearly I am enthusiastic about juice: I coach juice cleansing! However, I do love myself a good green smoothie when I’m not cleansing. This recipe is great if you want a light smoothie that makes you feel energized and alkalized without feeling heavy in your tummy. I often have green smoothies pre- and post- workout. This morning, though, it was my breakfast!
David Rainoshek Interviews Me About Juice Cleansing
One of my mentors in plant-based nutrition and juice cleansing is the amazing David Rainoshek, M.A. whom I studied with to becomig a Juice Feasting Coach. David hosts the website JuiceFeast.com and is a great friend.
My June Juice Cleanse, Days 5-7
Well, another week of juicy deliciousness is in my health queue! The last few days went very smoothly, as the latter half of a weeklong juice cleanse usually does for most people. I enjoyed making some delicious juice to enjoy with a lovely view. Above is a simple strawberry parsley lemon juice I made and enjoyed in the sun.
My June Juice Cleanse, Days 1-4
Happy and thirsty! This is how I’m feeling on Day 4 of my Juice Cleanse! I do a juice cleanse seasonally, and though I always love and appreciate it, it sure is so nice to do one when it’s warm outside. Philadelphia, where I currently reside, is not only warm but humid, which makes it all the more easy to eat/drink lightly.
Luckily for me, I adore parsley and cilantro so much that getting in lots of leafy greens for my juice is quite easy. For my higher-glycemic allotment, straight-up fresh orange juice is by far my favorite. When I want to go a bit lower sugar, I’ll mix some grapefruit and orange together. I did make a strawberries and fresh mint juice for my fruitier juice one day! Now that’s decadence.
Myths About Healing Compulsive Eating
Throughout my years of healing my own relationship with food and letting go of compulsive eating, and also talking with many, many people on their own journeys doing the same, I’ve identified some common myths about healing compulsive eating. These were myths that I believed and many people with whom I work also believe(d).