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Why Do You Believe You Can’t Heal Food Addiction?
Do you believe the human soul can be broken beyond repair? If not, why do you believe you can’t heal food addiction? In fact, you can. Your soul isn’t forever broken.

Don’t Compare Yourself to People Who Seem “Together”
Do you think to yourself, "Why do I have all these messy emotions that other people don't seem to have?" This is a common thing my clients say to me when we start getting under the skin of their compulsive eating.

How I Unfroze Emotionally and Healed Binge Eating
When I began researching compulsive eating and first discovered the idea that the way to heal is to feel suppressed emotions, I was very shut down.

If You Didn’t Overeat Until Adulthood
While it is common for people with overeating issues to have started young, it is also just as common for the overeating to not have started until a person was a teenager, an adult, or even well into adulthood. Here’s why this happens.

Compulsive Eating and Being a Cycle-Breaker
Your compulsive eating may indicate that you’re a cycle-breaker in your family, but you’re trying to avoid stepping into that, and food is how you numb out from the truth.

Overeating Isn’t Really About Food
Overeating isn’t really about your relationship with food, it’s about your relationship with emotions. Overeating is like the last domino in a domino chain. It's an effect and a symptom of a deeper underlying cause.

Who Benefits From Your Confusion About Overeating?
Who in your life would prefer that you didn’t figure out the true causes of your compulsive eating? Who benefits from your unawareness, confusion and self-blame?

Your Broken Heart and Your Food Addiction
All those who struggle with food addiction are, at their core, heartbroken. Your binge eating reveals that deep down, somewhere, your heart is broken. You may not currently be aware of this, but it's true.

Why Our Bodies’ Natural Detox Isn’t Always Enough
There is a common argument that we don't need cleansing because our body can flush its own toxins out. The problem with this argument is it doesn’t take into account the fact that we live in a modern world where we are bombarded with chemicals and toxins all day, every day.

Healing Binge Eating: How Often Do You Cry?
In the process of healing binge eating, ask yourself honestly: How often do I cry? How often do I shake with fear? How often do I punch pillows?

You Were Emotionally Caged in Your Childhood
Being caged emotionally and energetically feels miserable for a child. Having some comfort food while in that cage helped us cope with the lack of freedom. This can create overeating patterns.

When Parents Teach Us Compulsive Eating
Did your parents suppress emotions with food but act like their eating was "normal"? Some people grow up with one or both parents who actually modeled food addiction, but often there was no acknowledgement in the family that it was addiction at all.

Healing Emotional Eating: Be Proud of Your Courage
If you are embarking on healing the root causes of emotional eating, you are brave and courageous, no matter how messy it all looks and feels. You're not too messy or too emotional, you are very brave and courageous.

How Do You Know if You’re Feeling Emotions?
How do I know if I'm feeling emotions? What does it look like to release emotions? A great indicator that you're properly feeling emotions and releasing them is if you look like a small child does when they are feeling emotions.

Why I Have No “Off-Limits” Foods
Within a vegan diet, I have no foods that are off limits. Not sugar, not chocolate, not fried food, not flour, processed food etc. I don't eat those things often because I don't feel great if I have them often, but they're not off-limits from a psychological standpoint.

How Green Juice Changes Your Taste Buds
Did you know that your taste buds can change to the point that you like the taste of green juice? At the beginning of a person's journey with juicing, they may find that it's hard to get down the green, vegetable-based juices.

How I Got Back Into Fitness After Being Sedentary
When I was in the thick of my binge eating and at my highest weight, when I had gained about 65 pounds in 2 years, I was also at my least physically active. I knew I needed to start exercising again, because I had all but stopped.

Making Healthier Dessert Alternatives
It doesn't have to be all-or-nothing with having dessert! Many people think that if they're not eating kale salad, then all sweet treats are basically the same, particularly if you're focused on weight loss/maintenance. But that's not true!

Your Children Aren’t Causing Your Overeating
If you’re a parent, your children are not the cause of your compulsive eating. Your own childhood is. Whatever is being triggered by your children is far older than their existence.

Compulsive Eating: When You Feel it’s Not Emotional
It is normal, when we begin this healing process, to feel like, "I don't have many suppressed feelings. I don’t think my overeating is due to an emotional cause.”