How Do You Know if You’re Feeling Emotions?

How do I know if I'm feeling emotions? What does it look like to release emotions?

A great indicator that you're properly feeling emotions and releasing them is if you look like a small child does when they are feeling emotions.

When a 2-year-old is angry, do they sit and look out the window, still and quiet and think about how they're so angry?

No! They yell, scream, throw things, kick things, angry cry, and otherwise use their body to express their feelings.

Note: I'm not encouraging you to take out your emotions on other people or to damage someone else's property. Instead, you should yell, scream, throw and kick by yourself in a private environment and in a safe way where you won't damage yourself or others.

Now let's talk about fear. When a 2-year-old is feeling their fear, they usually have some kind of full-body response as well. They might be shaking and trembling, and fear crying.

When a 2-year-old is feeling sad, they will cry. Tears will be rolling down their faces, they may be wailing and hysterical. The same is true for us as adults. If tears aren't rolling down our faces, we aren't feeling our sadness and we aren't releasing it.

Young children are naturally humble and naturally feeling all their emotions. We can learn a lot from them.

When we were little, our environment started to shut down our emotions from a very young age. This is why when children get just a bit older, they are already trained in how to suppress emotions and start to do so.

But as babies and young children, this natural emotional expression has usually not been damaged enough yet to stop them.

How do you feel about the idea of feeling your anger like a 2-year-old does? How do you feel about crying like a young child does?

What judgements have you taken on over your lifetime about that kind of emotional expression? What fears do you have about releasing emotions this way?

Answering these questions will give you great insight into why you compulsively eat.

I also encourage you to check out the Divine Truth YouTube videos, which are the best resource I've ever come across about how to feel emotions and overcome addictions and compulsions.

Photo by Inge Maria via Unsplash


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