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How I Got Back Into Fitness After Being Sedentary
Courtney Pool Courtney Pool

How I Got Back Into Fitness After Being Sedentary

When I was in the thick of my binge eating and at my highest weight, when I had gained about 65 pounds in 2 years, I was also at my least physically active. I knew I needed to start exercising again, because I had all but stopped.

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When You’re Scapegoated About Your Overeating
Courtney Pool Courtney Pool

When You’re Scapegoated About Your Overeating

Does your family feel like it's your personal issue that you overeat? Do they view your overeating and possible weight issues as a problem that you have, which is just based on a character flaw or willpower problem?

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Overeating and Boundaries with Your Family
Courtney Pool Courtney Pool

Overeating and Boundaries with Your Family

Putting up boundaries with your family about their suggestions, advice, or "help" with your weight and eating is vital for healing your relationship with food. Your family is not entitled to make comments or give advice and suggestions.

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New Year’s Resolutions Shouldn’t be Punishments
Courtney Pool Courtney Pool

New Year’s Resolutions Shouldn’t be Punishments

The best motivation for a resolution would be to think of habits that are sustainable for the rest of our lives, and that are motivated by a love for your body on the inside, not just how you look on the outside.

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If Your Parents Tried to Fix Your Overeating
Courtney Pool Courtney Pool

If Your Parents Tried to Fix Your Overeating

It was damaging if your parent tried to fix your overeating or criticized your eating or weight, without self-reflecting on what ways they may have been creating the problem in you.

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Being Overweight and Playing Small in Life
Courtney Pool Courtney Pool

Being Overweight and Playing Small in Life

Having extra weight can be about feeling like we must play small and give others superiority.

Extra weight, and the overeating that can create it can be about a feeling like we must play small in life, and that we should feel inferior and make others feel superior.

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A Story About a Dad Who Overate
Courtney Pool Courtney Pool

A Story About a Dad Who Overate

I had a client once who was a business owner and single father of two.

He had some health issues including pre-diabetes, and his weight was higher than he liked. He ate convenience food and fast food, almost exclusively.

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