Interviews on Healing Emotional Eating


In the last year or so I was invited to a couple of interviews and podcasts. If you’d like to watch or listen to them, please view the following links.

Modern Wellbeing with Sarah Wright

First, I was invited by Sarah Wright, host of the Modern Wellbeing podcast, to talk about healing emotional eating, and about plant-based nutrition and juice cleansing.

To hear this podcast via Apple Podcasts, click here.
You can also watch it on YouTube by clicking here.

We discussed topics including:

-Practical tips on how to heal emotional eating
-The many benefits of plant-based nutrition
-How we can safely use juice cleanses to reset the body and assist in healing overeating

iThrive with Jon McMahon

Last year, Jon McMahon of iThrive, a recovering diabetic, interviewed me on healing emotional eating. This episode is on YouTube and you can view it by clicking here.


Overeating Indicates We Are Avoiding Truth


Food Addiction and Parental Gaslighting