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My 13-year Veganniversary Post: Macros, the Soy Debate & More
Strictly speaking, I didn’t move to a total, never-going-back vegan diet until about a year later, due to the fact that my food addiction was such that occasionally I would say yes to a free brownie that had milk in it. However, after August 2005 I never again had meat or fish, never bought eggs or dairy again, and knew in my heart my desire was to be all vegan.

Rainbow Spring Rolls With Peanut Dipping Sauce
This is so my kind of meal! It’s refreshing, crunchy, nutritious and it tastes amazing. It’s a fun, colorful way to give your body an array of veggies and to truly “taste the rainbow”.
I also love the fact that you can switch out what you put in these with the same wrappers and sauce, which gives you near-endless options to vary this recipe and make it new each time you prepare it. It also makes it a great recipe to use whatever odds and ends veggies you need to use up in your fridge.

Seaweed Salad with Cashew Garlic Sauce Recipe
This is one of my favorite recipes because it’s delicious, it’s super-packed with nutrition, and it’s relatively quick to make. It’s sort of a spin on a macro bowl, though I don’t always put in a grain or a bean, which are usually signature macro bowl features.

Cucumber Dill Green Soup Recipe
This is the type of meal I love. Dill has taken a hold on me this summer and I have been making tons of recipes with dill. I just love it.
This recipe is based on my friend Gena Hamshaw‘s Green Soup/Blended Salad recipe. So thanks to her inspiration, I have a new favorite soup. I’ve made just a few changes to it for my own taste.

Red Bell Pepper Green Juice: A Radical Radiance Recipe
Bell pepper is one of my favorite things to make juice with. I think it tastes good with almost anything! It adds just a tinge of sweet but really isn’t high-glycemic at all. Yum! This juice still is green when it’s done because it just has 1 red bell pepper in it, but feel free to try it with more!

“Snow Shake” Green Smoothie – A Radical Radiance Recipe
I unintentionally made a very festive smoothie the other day and I decided to re-create it and record all the quantities for you! This is a thick (thought you could make it any consistency you like), really satisfying treat. I say treat because it has a fair amount of fruit in it, but also SO much spinach – a really good greens hit!

Green Juice With Carrot – A Radical Radiance Recipe
Today I decided to go for something a little darker green than my last juice recipe (Parsley Punch Green Juice), with just a little carrot to sweeten. This definitely tastes green, but is oh-so-good for you! It is the kind of green juice, however, that probably wouldn’t be as good if it’s been sitting for a while, so I would recommend drinking this one straight away if you can.

Chia Porridge “Pudding”: A Radical Radiance Recipe
People often ask me what my favorite meals are, and though I’m a person who prefers variety and so I don’t have a ton of “staples”, chia is definitely a staple in my diet.

Parsley Punch Green Juice: A Radical Radiance Recipe
Hello again, friends! I woke up to a sunny autumn morning and had the joy of getting some new plants for my home. Included is a new plant I’ve never had called a Goldfish, which I’m utterly in love with. As in, I think it’s so pretty I coo at it when I walk by. It is a great morning to make a delicious green juice and share the recipe with you!

Peachy Kale Green Smoothie: A Radical Radiance Recipe
Clearly I am enthusiastic about juice: I coach juice cleansing! However, I do love myself a good green smoothie when I’m not cleansing. This recipe is great if you want a light smoothie that makes you feel energized and alkalized without feeling heavy in your tummy. I often have green smoothies pre- and post- workout. This morning, though, it was my breakfast!

My 8-Year Vegan Anniversary!
Well, it’s almost over, but this month marks 8 years eating vegan for me! In honor of this anniversary, I decided to ask all of you via Facebook and Twitter if you had any questions for me. I received some great questions and am looking forward to answering them, Q&A style, right now!

Recipe: Dessert Spice Superfood Smoothie
Happy February, juicy ones!
I’m enjoying the slightly warmer weather and more frequent sunny days here in Philly, which received approximately 1/348874th an inch of snow from storm Nemo. But no matter how cold or warm it is, I love my superfood smoothies. I have a smoothie almost every day, usually as breakfast but sometimes as dinner, particularly if I’ve just finished a workout and don’t want to eat anything very heavy before heading off to bed.