Overeating Indicates We Are Avoiding Truth

We often talk about how overeating is an indicator we are avoiding our emotions.

We are not allowing the full overwhelm of a feeling, we are trying to control and suppress them. This is still true!

Another way to think of it, though, is that compulsive eating is telling us we are not facing the truth about something. Well, usually, quite a few things, such as:

We are not facing the truth about how we really feel about something.

We are not facing the truth about how we are being treated.

We are not facing the truth about how we are treating someone else.

We are not facing the truth about what our childhood was really like and how it affected us.

So, this is one question I recommend reflecting on or journaling when you are overeating:

What truths am I not wanting to face right?

What truths have I not wanted to face all of my life?

And then, soften (don’t harden) to the answers. The truth will unlock emotions that are underpinning binge eating, and so let those feelings flow.

"The truth shall set you free”!

Photo by Zetong Li via Unsplash


Binge Eating As Self-Aggression


Interviews on Healing Emotional Eating