To Heal, We Must Trust Our Emotions

To heal, we must honor and trust our emotions. To dismiss our feelings is to set ourselves up for overeating.

The enemy of healing overeating is to say to ourselves,

"It doesn't make sense that I'm feeling this way."

"I should just get over it and get on with things."

"I'm obviously overblowing and misinterpreting this."

"I need to just focus on the positive."

While you dismiss and minimize your own feelings, or accept it from others, you will struggle greatly to understand why you compulsively eat and to work towards healing it.

Overeating is a way that we dismiss our emotions in an effort to try to make them go away.

To heal, we have to see that all of our emotions and feelings have reasons, and to allow them fully.

Whether they are lifelong underlying feelings, or feelings that appear to be triggered in the moment due to our current life, everything is a tip of an iceberg that stems back to unfelt emotions and often, childhood hurt.

When you tell yourself you shouldn't feel something, that it isn't logical to feel it, that you're a bad person if you feel it, you are not being kind and gentle with yourself.

Even in situations where our feelings are "wrong" in the sense that our reaction is not based on the truth of what's happening -- say, we get angry because we perceive someone was taking advantage of us even when they weren't -- there is still a reason that we reacted that needs to be felt and explored in a responsible way.

In some ways, it doesn't matter if your feelings are "right" in this sense or if they are "wrong".

What matters is you have these feelings, and there are reasons for having them, and if you want to make them go away, you will need food or another compulsion.

When you constantly gaslight yourself, you also tend to feel worse and worse about yourself, because you are reinforcing the idea that your feelings are bad and you are bad.

When we are making ourselves feel worse all the time, it is also natural that we will seek food addictions in order to cope with our low-self worth and lack of honoring of our soul.

Honoring our feelings and trusting that there are reasons we have them that we can explore, is a vital key to the healing of our soul that will result in no longer being drawn to overeating.

Top photo by Georgia De Lotz via Unsplash


Is Food More Delicious Than Your Life?


Painful Emotions Aren’t the Cause of Overeating