Painful Emotions Aren’t the Cause of Overeating

Painful emotions are not the cause of compulsive eating.

The cause of compulsive eating is the desire to avoid painful emotions.

There is a misunderstanding about compulsive eating that many people have, which is that uncomfortable and painful emotions cause it.

This belief is one of the reasons we often engage practices to try to make those feelings go away as quickly as possible.

We try to make them go away by controlling circumstances and people around us, we try to meditate them away, we try to affirm them away, or distract in some other manner.

We often think, if I can just avoid those hard feelings being triggered, or subdue them as quickly as I can when they arise, then my eating will be better.

We feel they are dangerous, the enemy, and the culprit of our overeating.

But this is not true!

The urge to compulsively eat is a result of the desire to suppress and deny our painful emotions.

If we are willing to sit with our painful emotions and let them be there, feel them and express them in a responsible and healing way, then we will have no issue with compulsive eating.

Our painful emotions do not cause #overeating.

Our desire to suppress and control them and deny them does.

As we are more willing to feel all of our stuff, and as we gain faith in the positive process of accessing our painful emotions, we will find that we can go through tough periods of life without the collateral damage of our health and weight.

More information on this both here on my website, as well as through the Divine Truth material at

Photo by Harshil Gudka via Unsplash


To Heal, We Must Trust Our Emotions


Fear, Food and Weight Gain