Is Food More Delicious Than Your Life?

While it is natural to get pleasure from food, our lives should be so delicious that eating is not the most exciting thing that we do.

What happens when food becomes the most exciting part of our day, the most exciting part of our week, or our lives?

Eating should give us pleasure, and we are meant to get enjoyment from it (but from healthy foods eaten in a balanced way for our health). Even after I've healed my own binge eating, I get plenty of pleasure from food!

However, eating should not be at the top of our list, or anywhere near the top of our list, of what brings us pleasure, excitement and joy.

If it is, there is something wrong.

Some of us have even felt that eating is the only thing making life worth living, that it is the only source of pleasure we have, and that it is our lifeline we need to keep going.

We can feel that without it, we would not cope with the flatness or boredom or loneliness and sadness we feel in our lives.

Yet every soul has many activities and passions and desires that would bring immense joy and pleasure in a pure and loving way... so why have we disconnected from this?

A vital part of healing food addiction is looking at what pedestals we've put food on, and why we've created a life where food is high on the list of what makes us happy.

Here are some questions you can journal about and reflect on:

What are your pure, loving passions?

What are your loving desires?

What has happened to cause you to stop following them and taking action on them?

How can you create a life that is so enjoyable that you might at times even forget about food, because you're having so much fun?

How can you design your life so that eating from boredom never happens, because you are never bored?

Top photo by Brendan O'Donnell via Unsplash


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