Your Compulsive Eating Always Makes Sense

All of your compulsive eating makes sense. There are always reasons for it.

Do you feel that your compulsive eating is an anomaly? Like there is no real reason for it?

Many of us feel this way and feel confused as to why we do what we do with food. We feel like it's just weird, maybe we're just weird or somehow broken for no reason.

I'm here to tell you that every form of your compulsive eating -- every single time -- has a reason and an explanation.

We must bring compassion and understanding and empathy towards ourselves as we consider this truth.

Something is happening in your heart in that moment, something has been happening in your soul for your whole life, many things happened to you in your childhood to create food addiction.

Compulsive eating never "just happens" without a reason or explanation.

Please don't get me wrong here -- this truth isn't meant to be taken to use as a stick to beat yourself with, where you then tell yourself you're dumb or bad because you don't know what those reasons are.

It's normal, especially at the beginning of looking at our relationship with food, to feel like we have no clue at all what the emotional reasons could possibly be and we just feel like compulsive eating happens without any thought.

Rather we need to use this truth to have even more compassion for ourselves, because there is hurt to discover in our souls that will ultimately explain why overeat. You are not broken or weird and your eating is not an unexplainable, anomaly that cannot be healed.

Photo by Nikhil Kumar via Unsplash


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