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Five Sneaky Strategies to Eat More Leafy Greens
Leafy green vegetables are an absolute staple for your health! Ideally, we would be consuming them in some form every single day. Here are five ways to sneak more leafy greens into your diet.
Why I’m Still Vegan
I believe that the human body is meant to be vegan, and is meant to easily thrive being vegan. I have also come to believe that the fears and beliefs we have about our bodies and about nutrition, directly impact our body's response to a vegan diet.
Nutritional Strategies to Combat Cravings
While our junk food cravings are mostly caused by emotional suppression and emotional-related causes, there are physical habits that affect our physical cravings. Here are four tips to combat physical cravings.
How to Incorporate More Vegan Meals into Your Diet
Would you like to incorporate more vegan meals into your diet? You may have a long-term goal to be vegan, or you may not. Even if you don’t want to go all vegan at this stage, more vegan meals in your diet will absolutely support your long-term health.
Do You Know How Good You’re Supposed to Feel?
Most people have no clue that they are supposed to feel really good, all the time. Or perhaps it is more accurate to say, they might think they feel good, but their definition of “good” is completely skewed.
Vegan Cooking and the Importance of Skill-Building
I often have clients say, "I am not really enjoying eating this way, it's not very flavorful or satisfying." A vital process in becoming plant-based is to gain cooking and preparation skills.
3 Foods to Reduce for Brighter Skin
We all want to have glowing skin! However, many of us are eating foods that are compromising our opportunity to have healthy and vibrant skin. Here are three foods you should reduce or eliminate!