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When Parents Enjoy Body-Shaming Their Child
Some parents have such dark feelings that actually love the power, control and superiority that they can have by shaming their child who overeats. It has to be said, because in some cases this is true, and it's vital to work through it if it is the case for you.
I Thought Rejection Was My Fault
A belief that I was taught is that if a man rejects me, it's always because I’m not attractive enough. This has been a significant component of my eating issues and body image issues.
Negative Body Image Can Create Overeating
Some of us have more body image issues than others, and indeed there are many people for whom body image issues are not among the main causes of their stuff with food. However, there are others for whom body image issues are the primary cause.
When My Dad First Complimented Me, I Was Anorexic
The first time my dad complimented me on my body was when I had become anorexic as a teenager.
Your Body Image Inner Critic Comes From Your Parents
As adults, our inner critic is made up of the way our parents talked to themselves about their own eating and bodies, as well as the way they felt about ours. What does your self-talk surrounding your eating and your body look like?
How Your Mother’s Body Image Affects Yours
When it comes to healing body image issues, it is important for us to understand where our body image problems come from. But what if your parents never said anything of the like, and what if they didn't criticize others' bodies either?
When You’re Scapegoated About Your Overeating
Does your family feel like it's your personal issue that you overeat? Do they view your overeating and possible weight issues as a problem that you have, which is just based on a character flaw or willpower problem?
Overeating and Boundaries with Your Family
Putting up boundaries with your family about their suggestions, advice, or "help" with your weight and eating is vital for healing your relationship with food. Your family is not entitled to make comments or give advice and suggestions.
Being Kind to Yourself Won’t Result in Apathy
Being kinder to yourself about your eating will not result in apathy. True self-love does not create overindulgence, but rather healthy habits motivated by care.
My Mom and Women’s Bodies
When I was a kid and teen, my mom loved to watch all of the beauty pageants: Miss America, Miss Universe, all the big ones. During these shows, my mom would comment her opinions on the contestants' appearance, which was often criticism.
Fathers, Daughters and Body Image
Fathers with demands about how women should look can create body image issues in their daughters. There are many forms his expression of that demand can take.
My Biggest Fear Was Not Being Skinny
I was completely consumed with the obsession to be thin and to stay thin, and the biggest terror I could conceive of was to not be able to maintain this thinness I had wanted all my life (spoiler alert, I didn't maintain it).
Weight and Worth
It is so important that we separate our weight from our worth. Do you feel like it’s ok to be treated badly if you have extra weight? Like you’re not good enough to be honored, or respected?