Emotional Healing Results in Permanent Weight Loss

Emotional healing results in permanent weight loss.

How many of us have wished a fairy godmother would come down, cast a spell on us and make us instantly and magically free of weight and overeating struggles?

We know it can't happen that way, but oh how we wish!

It is said that 80-95% of people who lose weight, regain it back later.

The reason for this is that most people want the quick fix without examining the root causes of their choices with food and lifestyle.

We want the solution to be purely nutritional, purely physical, or solved with a few affirmations and a lot of pulling ourselves by the hair.

The magical wonderland we dream of, where we don't struggle with weight and food, IS actually possible!

It is possible to not only achieve weight loss, but achieve it permanently.

It is possible to not only achieve permanent weight loss, but have a fairly effortless time maintaining that weight loss.

However, the way you get the in-your-wildest-dreams outcome you want so badly, is usually to do the stuff emotionally that you'd like to avoid at all costs.

Having the emotional meltdowns you've avoided your whole life, facing painful truths about your childhood and family, allowing suppressed anger, fear, and grief to come flowing out of you.

When you do this, you can become a person who does not feel drawn to binge eating.

You can become a person who maintains their weight loss without strain.

Have faith in the magical outcome you want, but understand the commitment to soul healing that it will take.

You can do it!

Photo by Eberhard Grossgasteiger via Unsplash


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