How to Stop Overeating in the Moment

When you’re about to go to get fast food, when you’re about to put the chocolate in your mouth, when you’re halfway through that large pizza… how do you stop overeating, in that moment?

The answer: feel your feelings to their fullest expression.

I bang on about emotions all the time. I discuss how they relate to overeating, why they are there, and how to feel them.

Often my clients soon ask,

"Ok I understand all that, but what do I do in the moment to stop myself from compulsively eating?"

What we often have yet to understand at this point is that feeling emotions IS a practical, in-the-moment strategy.

Feeling emotions is the only in-the-moment strategy that will ever have long-lasting effects to heal your eating habits.

When you are willing to feel your feelings instead of eating to numb them, you are actually doing something that literally gets some of that emotion out of you.

You release the emotion from your soul by feeling it.

If you're willing to do this in the moment that you want to eat compulsively, or are already eating compulsively, the following things can happen:

-Your binge urge goes away completely

-Your binge urge diminishes such that if you do still want to eat, you're happier to eat something healthier

-Your binge urge diminishes such that the quantity of food you eat is less.

I cannot stress this enough: if you truly feel your feelings in that moment, without trying to control or censor any of it, the urge to binge can literally vanish.

Or at least, it can diminish to the point that your overeating session is far less severe, which is something that adds up over time to affect your weight and health.

To heal emotional eating, we must not put off the work of emotionally connecting to ourselves till later.

This is not a theoretical set of ideas about compulsive eating, rather feeling emotions is a day-to-day practice, and must be done in the moment that you want to or are compulsively eating.

Let yourself surrender to this process, let yourself be overwhelmed.

There are such wonderful and beautiful things on the other side!


Compulsive Eating and People-Pleasing


Emotional Healing Results in Permanent Weight Loss