My Autumn 7-day Green Juice Fast
Yesterday, I began a 7-day green juice fast! Fasting is such a welcome experience for me at this point in my life. It feels like an invitation, an opportunity, to sink into myself and relax within my life, giving my mind a break from thinking so much, taking a relieving step back in perspective, and of course, re-setting my physiology.
What am I drinking?
4 x 16 oz. juices per day. The base is cucumber, celery and greens and occasionally a little carrot or beet juice.
Lemon and ginger juice
Herbal, non-caffienated teas
What else will I do this week to support my detoxification?
Skin brushing
Enemas 1x/day
Infrared saunas
Systemic Enzymes (taken as powder)
“Fasting is an excellent method for cleansing your entire system. The fasting process begins after day two or three when the body goes into autolysis, the process whereby the body is digesting its own dead and dying cells. In the body’s wisdom, it selectively decomposes those cells and tissues that are in excess, diseased, damaged, aged, or dead. This allows for an improved ratio of healthy cells in the body.”
Why Juice Fast? Juice fasting is a form of fasting in which organic, living-food juice supplies enzymes and living micro-nutrients that further aid the cleansing process. In comparison to water fasting, there also tends to be fewer healing crises or depletion of energy. Since juices are high in minerals, vitamins and enzymes, which help with the rejuvenating process of the body, the juices are assimilated directly into the body without stimulating digestive enzymes. The alkalinizing properties of juices help to neutralize acidic conditions (from which many people suffer) and the toxins beingreleased by the body. The alkaline component of the juices helps to reestablish the alkaline reserve needed for rebuilding health. With juice fasting, most people experience increased energy since the body is given a well-deserved rest from the work of digesting the complicated varieties of foods and beverages often consumed daily.
I will keep you updated on the progress every few days.
In the juiciest way,