Spring, which always seems short in Patagonia, is in full swing! Pink cherry blossoms are eye-catching against the backdrop of leafless trees, grass is shooting up, and the rolling hills and mountains, which always remind me of sand ripples in the ocean, are taking on a green tint.

I’m spending lots of time outside; as it’s great to maximize this weather. In a month or so, it will be too hot for me during the middle of the day to be outside, but mornings and evenings are still nice. Now, though, is the opportune time to be sunbathing in the middle of the day and taking long walks and jogs, which I am now doing daily. I tend to do everything I can outside: meditating, reading, being on the internet, working, writing, talking on the phone, drinking tea, eating, cutting my toenails, contemplating the next step of my plan for World Domination by Spirulina Salad. If I can possibly do it outside, I do.

Spring always seems to support a rekindling of my inspiration to lead a spiritual life and to be consistent with spiritual practices. Winter is more challenging for me, but with the coming of spring I feel it takes less effort to show up to meditation and less effort to integrate the experience of meditation (stillness, non-causal peace, joy and love) with my daily life. As far as I’m concerned, the supportive circumstances are a good reason to take the willingness and inspiration and run with it!

Sometimes it’s amazing to me how much of a full-time job it can be to fully devote oneself to not only work, but also taking care of the body and devoting time to a spiritual practice. All the things I like to fit into my life on a regular basis (meditation, yoga, walking, other exercise, juicing, rebounding, sunbathing, sauna-ing, skin brushing, etc) make for some real motivation for time planning and prioritization. Is it worth it? Absolutely yes.

I am grateful for the constant reminder of how important these things are when I talk with some of the guests who attend the Tree of Life. Just a few days ago we had two guests, one with cancer and one with seemingly good health, unexpected to them, find out upon arrival that they are also diabetic. While I know that health challenges can be unbelievably easier to reverse than we think, and hopefully, both of these people will return to a non-diabetic physiology before they leave, it is a reminder that things can sneak up on us and that consistent, small practices to build our health and strength go an incredibly long way with preventing illness, sustaining health and extending our lifespan.

May your spring be joyful, flourishing, and life-giving. May support the birth of new creations, ideas and actions in your life, may it inspire you to take a step or two towards your next level of vibrant health and your next level of connectedness within yourself!


Anna Stanford

Anna Stanford is an ex-lawyer who saw the light and finally gave in to her irrepressible creativity. These days she helps thought leaders define and package who they are and what they’re bringing to the world.


Tree of Life Cafe – Food Pics 25


Tree of Life Cafe – Food Pics 24