Chocolate Sisters

My Sunday morning was a juicy one – we woke up uninterested in food and so juiced till about 2pm when we ate a salad, and it felt so good. I just love the blessing of incorporating juice into our diet!

So0ooo… yesterday was yet another day in the sun! The day was just fantastic, complete with a nap in the sun, some work in the sun, flower watering in the sun, yoga in the sun, swimming in the sun, reading in the sun, and eating in the sun. And the perfect, perfect evening found me on a stroll amongst the gigantic oak trees lining Sonoita Creek.

Lastly, I enjoyed a ‘Chocolate Goddess Gathering’, a clever name for an evening of TOL women all eating homemade raw chocolate and ‘chocolate milk’, laughing and talking and supporting each other in a way that nothing else but a group of conscious, loving women can do. And, watching the movie ‘Chocolat,’ which I’ve seen several times but absolutely love it.

In my soul searching the last few weeks, which, to not too much surprise, has involved observing most every area and aspect of my life, has revealed that I desire more ‘sisterhood‘ in my life. Although I do have many fantastic female friends, I am being urged to nourish those friendships to a deeper. There definitely is an amazing freedom and expressiveness that comes with time spent with a group of females, and especially the women here at the Tree that I am so blessed to know – women who are committed to their spiritual growth, their personal development, whom are compassionate, wise and generous, and whom all love and make incredible raw chocolate. Oh, the joy 

Go hug a sistah today!



Hosing the Critic


Exploring the Clouds