60 Day Juice Feast – Day 47
A wonderful, wonderful day today has been. I love being back in a winter wonderland – everything feels so holiday-ish, I went with my family to get a christmas tree and we decorated the house. I’ve been a picture fiend since I got here, taking pictures of all the snowy wonder! The first pic is my lovely doggie and a pic of the beautiful mountains in this area!! I went to bed at 9:00 last night, and it felt SO GOOD. Getting to sleep early is such a treasure for me… then I woke up and did some exercise, felt so great!
I don’t have a vitamix here so I’m using another blender. It’s not nearly as good, but it works, it just takes twice as long to blend everything as well before I strain it. I have a newfound appreciation for vitamixes, THAT’S for sure.
Once again, it’s crazy for me to be sort of back in the ‘real world’… I accompanied my fam to the grocery store today, it’s just amazing the kind of junk people are buying and eating. It also saddens me, somewhat, knowing what I know, and knowing that if we don’t change the way we eat and live very soon, these people may realize the importance of their choices and it will be too late. By the ‘too late’ part I’m talking about the environment and the health of the earth. Luckily, our bodies can reverse their conditions from sick to healthy remarkably well if we give them the right conditions, but the earth is not going to be so easy to fix. If people could just make a few changes in their lifestyles, and keep them on a consistent basis, we could do wonders for the healing of the planet.
Today’s Feast, in order of consumption:
32 oz. orange juice
32 oz. pear/apple/pinneapple/spirulina juice
16 oz. pear/apple/berry/spirulina juice
32 oz. apple/peach/mango/strawberry/spirulina juice
I have to get into the Juice Feasting groove here in the way of getting all my produce, making time and the whole blender thing, so my juice today was a little off as well – I’d like to call it ‘wonky’ – but still juicy nonetheless! NEEEEEEED GREEEEEEEEENS!!!!
Today is day 47, wow! I’ve decided to definitely take my Juice Feast to 60 days, and then see how I feel from there. Perhaps I will go longer, perhaps not. We shall see!