Feeling Emotions is a Part of Self-Love

Feeling our emotions is actually a way that we show kindness towards ourselves and care for ourselves.

We often have misconceptions, where we believe that feeling uncomfortable or painful emotions is traumatic or a negative experience.

We have it all backwards: we feel that avoiding painful emotions -- even though we have to overeat to do it -- is kind and caring. And we feel that feeling them would be somehow damaging.

But as you open up to emotions and have some experiences with the healing power of letting them flow, you start realizing the opposite is true:

Avoiding emotions is a harsh and unloving way to respond to yourself. Eating to suppress them is aggressive and traumatic.

Feeling emotions starts feeling like what you do when you love yourself.

Feeling emotions results in the permanent healing of overeating. It results in you not being drawn to compulsive eating, without even trying.

Feeling uncomfortable and painful emotions results in you feeling more relaxed, more creative, more inspired, more connected to yourself and benefits every area of your life.

Reframe your beliefs about what self-love looks like with regards to your feelings.

Photo by Henry be Iicyia PYGGI via Unsplash


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