Everyone Can Heal Overeating

In my coaching with people who struggle with binge eating (as I used to), I find that many of them have similar worries or beliefs that I also had: that maybe food addiction cannot REALLY be healed, that it’s due to some kind of character flaw or lack of willpower.

This belief tends to be especially strong in those who have had addictive behaviors with food since childhood, where they may have no memory of a healthy relationship with food, because the overeating started so young.

But the truth is that overeating is a learned behavior that comes from a childhood that featured a lack of love or respect, that then resulted in us seeking food to suppress our emotions and help us avoid the truth.

The foundation of my personal healing, and the foundation I start from in my work with clients, is that nobody is too far gone.

No matter how many years a person has had food addiction, no matter how severe it has been, everyone can eventually become a person who no longer has issues with overeating or weight.

It’s not an overnight process, and it happens gradually as we heal our deepest inner wounds and discover more truth. But it IS possible.

No human soul is ever permanently broken. We can always heal and change.

Photo by Masaaki Komori via Unsplash


Fear, Food and Weight Gain


Binge Eating As Self-Aggression