Green Lips, Chocolate Kelp and the Desert Sky

Happy 2011, darlings!  How is everyone’s year going so far?  Tell me what’s exciting!

First off…  I have a new project I’m working on that I’m very excited for.  Right now it’s still a secret, but I’ll give you a hint…  It has to do with SPIRULINA!

Indulge me…  What do you love about spirulina?  Of course, that’s if you’ve tried it yet…  Have you?  What’s your favorite way to eat it?  When are you going to join us in the green lips club?

Spirulina salads my friend Koali and I made – yum!

A close-up: Spirulina on clover and sunflower sprouts

Spirulina Manna by HealthForce Nutritionals – one of my fave spirulinas

Otherwise, I’ve been outside a lot biking and hiking, as it’s been very warm.  I’ve also been reading and writing, as well as enjoying time with friends.


My friends Puki and Ami Freeberg, twin sisters and college friends.

New Year’s Eve vegan dinner with Elaina Love, Chris Whitcoe, Sarah and Asher.

A gorgeous winter sunset in the desert.  I love the sky here.

Au revoir for now,



Tree of Life Cafe Photos #34


Holiday Vacation + Fruit Dip!