Ending and Breaking My Fast
Saturday was my last day fasting, and I was feeling so great I wanted to continue! It’s amazing that after one gets over that threshold of day 3 or 4, it often feels so euphoric, natural, and easy that people just want to continue. What did I do on Day 7? After a week of not eating? Went on a BIKE RIDE. That’s right! I fully enjoyed my 7th day, spending time outside and going to sleep before 9pm.
Checklist for day 7:
Wheatgrass – yes
Skin brushing – no
Sunbathing – yes
Enema -yes
Infrared sauna – no
Zeolite- yes
Systemic Enzymes(10 caps/day, taken out of capsules and taken as powder) – yes
Yoga – no
Rebounding – no
Walking – yes
Green juice and green juice with beet!
Sunday morning, I went up to the Tree of Life Cafe to break my fast. The energy was anticipatory and excited, as the 30 participants of the Spiritual Fasting Retreat were also breaking their fasts. After a moment of silence and acknowledging gratitude for the journey we’d all been on, everyone broke their fasts with either a fruit plate or a no-fat salad.
Blueberries, strawberries and ground golden flax seed
I ate really slowly and chewed really well. Definitely savored my berries. Wow, after all green juice for a week, flavors are so much more full and layered and diverse. There are a bunch of supplements one takes (per Gabriel’s recommendation) coming off the fast, including probiotics, digestive enzymes, triphala, and eating flax as well.
Lunch was a no-fat salad and a couple little nori rolls. I had sprouts, lettuce, and tomatoes with a miso dressing and a little flax, and nori rolls with sprouts and burdock root. For dinner I had a miso soup with cilantro, kelp noodles, and nori (no fat) and some green juice.
A picture of the autumn panorama walking down the mesa trail on the Tree of Life property:
All in all, the breaking fast has gone very smoothly. I’ll be writing a more in depth post about the fasting experience overall, next!