Modified Juice Feast Day 1

Hello darling readers,

I have moved into a modified juice feast. The reason for this is that the past few days, as you have noticed from my intake, I have had almost no green juice. The reason for this is that, although I loooove the Tree of Life Cafe, the green juice is almost the exact same recipe all the time. So, half a gallon of the same thing was getting old. What ended up happening is that I went and got the green juice, and took some sips, but just didn’t feel like drinking it at all.

So what’s been happening is 1) I consume very little – likely less caloric intake than when one is juice fasting, and 2) I was drinking only fruit juice. Consuming few calories is usually just fine with me, but doing it on only fruit juice definitely isn’t. I rarely eat fruit on a normal basis when I’m eating (perhaps 1-3 pieces per week), so fruit consumption, for me, is really exclusive to juice feasting. I also am a ‘fast oxidizer,’ which means greens and protein is important. I was beginning to feel imbalanced.

At this point, I had the choice to muscle through, grit my teeth and make myself drink the green juice, or to move to a modified juice feast until I was ready to drink green juice again. When I ate some yesterday, as I historically have done and still do (and am working to change this pattern), I beat myself up, cried and decided definitively that I was a failure in every area of life, especially in health (drama queen?). After tearful conversations with my mom and two of my best friends, I felt better and decided to try that tactic called ‘compassion’.

So, today I have eaten all juice except for a small salad with spirulina on it, and I feel oh-so-much better.


Anna Stanford

Anna Stanford is an ex-lawyer who saw the light and finally gave in to her irrepressible creativity. These days she helps thought leaders define and package who they are and what they’re bringing to the world.

Modified Juice Feast Day 2 and 3


Juice Feast Day 13