Juice Feast Day 8


Today’s Intake:

32 oz. ‘Master Cleanse’ – 32 oz. water, 8 TBS lemon juice, 4 TBS honey
34 oz. celery/cucumber/greens
bee pollen..

22 oz. celery/cucumber/greens/lemon/ginger with cayenne and turmeric
6 oz. Yogi Tea – Berry with honey and a few drops vanilla creme stevia
18 oz. orange/grapefruit with 1 TBS spirulina
8 oz. Yogi Tea – Berry with honey and carvacrol oil

Total juice: 106 oz.

So, day 8 and yet to reach a gallon… interesting to observe  I totally overdid it on the bee pollen due today to certain panicky feelings I was feeling.. and ate about it. And despite that, I don’t feel discouraged, I don’t feel like I messed everything up. During my last juice feast, it was a substantial revelation for me to realize that I may not have a ‘perfect’ juice feast. It was a big step for me to accept that the juice feast was hard for me, and that I stumbled. A lot. This time, I feel totally accepting of the fact that it may not be perfect. Not that I’m being lazy or lenient with myself, but just that I am allowing compassionate space for the growth and learning to happen.

It is amazing what happens when I allow that space of compassion and space to fall and get back up – it doesn’t mean I lose all motivation and inspiration to continue. It doesn’t mean I fall into laziness. It means I have compassion for my humanness. And it makes the entire endeavor more possible, and more enjoyable.

With enjoyment and looking forward to day 9,


Juice Feast Day 9


Juice Feast Day 6