Juice Feast Day 4

Today’s intake:

30 oz. apple/kale/spinach/cherry/beet
30 oz. cucumber/celery/greens/lemon/ginger with cayenne and turmeric
22 oz. cucumber/celery/greens/lemon/ginger
20 oz. blueberry/orange with 2 TBS pollen
10 oz. Yogi Tea – tahitian vanilla hazelnut w/ squirt of vanilla creme stevia

Total juice: 102 oz.

Man… last juice feast I sooooo easily drank a gallon… this one… not so much! Hmm… The afternoon passed without a headache today  I’ve been sleeping very little (around 6-7 hours), and I feel totally fine during the day. I do get sleepy around 9:30 p.m. or so. I have been drinking juice around people that are eating, and although food always looks good, I feel calm with the fact that I am taking care of myself 

…There is no escape from the fact that at any moment because of any number of things, events, people, your life can change completely…There is no such thing as finding safety outside yourself, not even in the earth.
— Geneen Roth

Juice Feast Day 5


Juice Feast Day 3