60 Day Juice Feast – Day 42
Ahh… I’m filled with the holiday spirit even though I’m in southern Arizona… I have discovered holiday music on pandora.com (which if you aren’t familiar, you simply must investigate!) and it brings so many memories… the holiday season was nothing less than absolutely magical and enchanting for me as a child.
Today’s Feast, in order of consumption:
30 oz. orange juice w/1/2 TBS MSM
32 oz. green juice w/ lemon, ginger, cayenne, turmeric and salt
28 oz. spinach/apple juice
3 TBS bee pollen
2 TBS honey
28 oz. romaine/apple/grape juice
Weekly check-in time:
I seem to be sleeping more the past week… strange…
Skin is still very clear, eyes are clearer than ever
Still no body odor or bad breath
Am getting colder easier
Not as much to report this week… I didn’t weigh myself this morning, but maybe I will tomorrow or the next day. I’m having less enthusiasm for juice altogether as it’s getting colder and cloudier, wintertime… It’s been sort of a push for me to even make my juice. I’ve been trying to up my cayenne and ginger intake so as not to be so cold, it seems to be helping… Just a short post for today, loves!