60 Day Juice Feast – Day 38

Twas a nice Friday indeed, complete with no shopping trips whatsoever  Today’s feast was very simple – I liked it that way. I really havne’t done a whole lot of complex juices during this whole feast. But that really works for me at this point – prior to this juice feast I’d been eating pretty much 100% raw food, but it was all very complex dishes made by the Tree of Life Cafe – amazing and delicious, probably some of the best raw food in the world – but complex nonetheless. I was definitely looking forward to the simplicity of a juice feast, and it has been very satisfactory to have it that way. I am very sure that I’ll be eating simply when I return to food.

Today’s Feast, in order of consumption:

28 oz. spinach/apple/grape juice w/ spirulina and salt
32 oz. green juice w/ lemon, ginger, cayenne, turmeric, and pinch of salt
22 oz. spinach/apple/grape juice w/ spirulina and salt

2 TBS coconut oil

2 TBS bee pollen

32 oz. orange juice w/ 1/2 TBS spirulina and 1/2 TBS MSM

I surely LOVE that spirulina, wow. I wasn’t the least bit drawn to it when I was first getting into raw food. I was revolted by it, in fact. But now, man, I just rejoice over it. Thim has been getting into it too – he easily takes in 4 or 5 tablespoons a day in his spirulina salads, which I will be taking in a LOT of when I return to food, I just know it!


60 Day Juice Feast – Day 40


60 Day Juice Feast – Day 37