You Can Survive Your Painful Emotions

Food addiction is the result of a desire to avoid our painful and uncomfortable emotions.

But why don't we want to feel those emotions?

Often it is because deep down, we are afraid we won't survive them.

Our parents teach us their beliefs about emotions through the example of how they dealt, or didn't deal with, their own emotions.

In general in society, it is believed that painful emotions should be avoided at all costs and we should make them go away as quickly as possible.

We believe feeling them will lead to bad things, more pain, a worse life.

The truth could not be more opposite.

Feeling painful emotions will heal your overeating behaviors, and it will ultimately make your life happier.

Some of the emotions we are avoiding with the use of food addictions are indeed extremely painful.

They can be so intense that you may question whether you will psychologically or physically survive them.

But something I've learned from personal experience is that even the most excruciating feelings are survivable, and that feeling them leads to relief and joy like we've never experienced before.

Feeling your painful emotions are the key to a beautiful life free of compulsive eating and weight struggles.

Remind yourself often: I can survive my painful emotions. All of them. Feeling them is good for me!

Photo by Katie Sue Photography


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Juicing for Emotional Health: Podcast Episode