The Right and Wrong Reasons to Juice Cleanse

Whether a juice cleanse is a good idea for you is all about motivation. Are you doing it from self-love or from harsh feelings?

In my work with clients, I have some whom I encourage to do a juice cleanse, and others that I discourage from doing one, depending on their unique situation is and why they want to cleanse.

Juice cleansing for purely physical reasons can be lovingly motivated or may not be.

Are you juice cleansing because you want to have no fat around your abdomen so people think you're attractive and without that you feel lesser?

Or are you juice cleansing because you know it will benefit your blood, your kidneys, your liver and your heart, regardless of how you look on the outside?

Are you juice cleansing to lose weight because you believe you're only worth something and lovable if you are a certain size? This is an unloving motivation.

Are you juice cleansing to lose weight because medically it would improve your health to do so, but you feel good enough as a human soul already? This is a loving place to juice cleanse from.

And if you're juice cleansing to help you clean up your diet or to lose weight, are you willing to embark on an inner exploration as to the emotional reasons why you don't already have a balanced diet?

Or do you have no interest in understanding yourself emotionally and working through tough emotions, and just want the quick fix?

A person who loves themselves will not just want to change things physically, their primary motivation will be to seek the truth and work through the root causes as to why they are compulsive with food.

If you overeat, do you want to cleanse out of fear and terror to try to force yourself to stop eating? Are you motivated by fear?

Or, again, are you willing to relax and understand that no juice cleanse all on its own will heal your relationship with food, but rather that juice cleansing can be a tool for assisting us to access repressed emotions that drive food addiction?

Are you juice cleansing out of self punishment, because you feel you've been "naughty" with food?

Or can you approach a juice cleanse in such a way where you love yourself no matter what you've done with food, but want to work on your overeating because it will improve your relationship with yourself?

Are you hoping for a juice cleanse where you have lots of emotional control? Or are you willing to get emotionally messy and out of control, which is the only way we release emotions from us?

Keep in mind that you can change your motivations from unloving to loving.

Top photo by Darina Belonogova via Pexels

Infographic by Courtney Pool


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