Juice Cleansing and Food Addiction

How juice cleansing can help with healing overeating! This is a tool that those who struggle with overeating and binge eating can employ to assist them to deal with root causes.

Note: this approach isn't recommended for anyone who tends towards restrictive behaviors with food, rather it should only be used by those whose exclusive challenge is excessive eating. If your challenge is mainly or partly restriction, contact me and I can help you with an alternative plan.

For those who tend towards overeating, here is how your juice cleanse can help you:

-Go into your cleanse with the intention and desire to feel uncomfortable and painful emotions.

-Intend to explore the root causes of your overeating that stem from your childhood. Plan to examine your upbringing.

-Desire to face potentially painful truths or face difficult decisions about your current life.

-Don't use the cleanse as punishment for overeating.

-Don't try to zone out of yourself and get a "high" from juice cleansing. While cleansing will make you feel healthier, it should not be used to attempt to circumvent the difficult soul-based work and just feel the relief of not binge eating anymore and zoning out of your painful feelings.

-Understand that a juice cleanse itself -- even a perfectly executed, lengthy one -- will never heal emotional eating. Only emotional work does that. And a juice cleanse can help you get into those emotions because you are temporarily removing one of your primary addictions that suppresses those feelings.

-Plan to punch pillows, scream at the top of your lungs, sob your heart out and shake with fear. This is the level of emotional release needed to heal binge eating.

-Drink tons of green juice. Your cleanse should be mainly veggies, but drink a lot -- there is no need to go extremely low-calorie.

A juice cleanse can be a fantastic tool for healing overeating (as it has been for me) because it is sort of like putting yourself in food addiction rehab.

I have a longer video where I’ve talked about this topic on my YouTube channel: https://youtu.be/BjPB8z_JH0I

"What the eyes are for the outer world, fasts are for the inner."

- Mahatma Ghandi


Being Overweight and Playing Small in Life


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