Healing Overeating and Why You Won’t Need Techniques

You can heal overeating so significantly that you don’t need any practices or techniques to control it.

Having to employ lots of techniques to avoid overeating is not freedom with food.

I spent years attempting to use various techniques and practices to control my binge eating. They included:

-Meditating 4-6 hours per week


-Gratitude journaling



… And so much more.

I was afraid to ever feel stressed, afraid to ever feel anything other than "zen" and calm, because I was worried it would trigger binge eating.

But the thing is, if you have to meditate every day or you overeat, or you have to have a 2 hour morning routine every day where you do a series of practices, and if you miss a few days you're a lot likelier to binge...

That's not freedom with food. And it's not what you have to settle for.

Wouldn't you prefer to have your relationship with food be such that you don't rely on any techniques or practices? Where if you have a busy week or you go on vacation, you're not worried that you'll now overeat?

It would be a much more relaxed way to live, surely.

To clarify, using tools in order to deeply heal overeating is different than using tools to control the overeating we want to do because we have not healed.

For example, I think journaling is one of the best practices you can do, and one I've used for the last 17 years in healing my own food addiction. But I don't rely on journaling to avoid overeating. If I don't do it for a week, I'm not worried I'll overeat more that week.

When you heal the soul-based, emotional root causes of your compulsions with food, you will naturally eat in a way that is healthful for your body and you won't worry what will happen if you don't have time for any particular practice or technique.

If you're interested in healing overeating for yourself, I offer 1-1 coaching, which you can message me about here on my website.

Photo by iconcom via Pexels


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