Healing Overeating: Am I Betraying My Parents?

Exploring the true root causes of your overeating is not a betrayal of your parents.

In seeking the truth about the deeper reasons you overeat, you are not hurting your parents.

In striving to heal your heart, you are not betraying your parents.

To heal food addiction, you must examine your childhood and look for things you didn't notice before.

It is not possible to deeply and permanently heal without doing this step.

Exploration does not make you selfish, disloyal, ungrateful, or harsh.

These are common family-based and society-imposed beliefs that we have though, so it is understandable we feel worried about it.

Because we have been brainwashed by our own families and society, we feel like we are being a bad daughter or son by looking into things, and especially if we name how things were accurately.

But there is nothing to feel guilty about.

If you do NOT examine your childhood and your relationship with your parents so you can heal yourself, then you are in fact betraying yourself.

Trying to protect them or staying loyal to them will likely mean not being loyal to yourself.

Your own happiness and healing must be more important than any guilt or obligation you come across in the process.

You are not hurting anyone by seeking the root causes for your overeating.

Photo by Isabela Kronemberger via Unsplash


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Fathers, Daughters and Body Image