Healing Food Addiction: What is Really Possible?

It is possible for you to fully heal your overeating, no matter how severe it is or how long you've been doing it.

I know that it might seem far off or even completely impossible to imagine not having it, but truly, here are some of the possibilities that are there for you.

  1. Being able to have any food around in your house without going overboard. Imagine never worrying about what your spouse or your kids bring home, or what's out on the counter. You never have to ask people to hide food from you or make rules about what they bring home so that you aren't tempted. Imagine any kind of food being at home and it being a non-issue.

  2. Easily waiting until you’re hungry to eat. Imagine having no emotional trigger around getting hungry. No more "hangry" feelings. You respond to your hunger accordingly but you don't feel compelled to eat if your body isn't signaling to you that it needs more. You know what hunger feels like and you easily wait for it.

  3. Never feeling like stuffing yourself. Imagine knowing that no matter what kind of food you eat, even if it's not healthy, you won't ever stuff yourself. You'll never go overboard, you'll never feel compelled to eat the whole box or bar or carton. You eat only an appropriate amount for your body's needs. You never feel uncomfortable afterwards.

  4. Naturally having a balance of mostly healthy food in your diet. Imagine finding it effortless to eat a diet that is made up of majority healthy foods, and not having a struggle with always feeling you should be eating better but finding yourself returning to the same heavy or processed foods. Imagine being just as excited for a good salad as you are for pizza.

  5. If relevant, losing weight and keeping it off... forever. Imagine getting there and not ever worrying about gaining all the weight back. You know you won't and you don't. This isn't to say you might not fluctuate a little, but the big swings are over with, and the days of having lots of extra unhealthy weight are done. You know that you're where you'll be for the rest of your life.

These are just some of the things that ARE possible. Can you let yourself dare to dream of them? To have faith that it's possible for you?

Photo by Antonio Gross via Unsplash


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